Without me you can do nothing 

At 15,1-6; Ps 121; Jn 15,1-8
22 MAY

Let’s go to an oak grove. Let’s take a secular oak tree. We cut from the trunk. It collapses to the ground. It becomes wood. You can do anything with its wood, but it will not produce a single fruit. Yet it was an oak tree that challenged every storm. The same is true for a disciple of the Lord. He is cut as a branch from the only true vine that is Christ the Lord. He becomes wood good only for burning in the fire. Not a single fruit of salvation, of redemption and of faith in Christ Jesus will be born from him anymore. The illusion of many is precisely this. They confuse the good of salvation and redemption with every other work that man does and fulfils. Everyone can knead flour and put it in the oven to make good bread to give to the people. But giving bread is not eternal salvation. We can nourish the world of bread, but not for this we have opened it the door to the kingdom of heaven, not for this we have redeemed, saved and filled it with eternal life. Not everyone can knead the Gospel to make it a bread of eternal life.

Who can knead the Gospel of Christ the Lord and make of it some real bread to satisfy the man of true salvation and true life? Only who is a true branch, a live branch of the true vine that is Christ the Lord. One is bound to the vine, he draws the vital lymph from it, produces the wine which must enliven the souls of eternal life. This is the only true way for us to produce true salvation. If this is true, why do we disciples of Jesus say that everyone in the world can be the way of true salvation? Why do we say that without Christ we can go to the Father? Why do we say that Jesus is irrelevant to the redemption of hearts? Why do we say that all religions are the same? Why do we say that our work is irrelevant to salvation, when Jesus has called and constituted us so that we may produce much fruit? Why do we deny the same possibility of perdition? Why are we denying every truth that comes from the Word of Christ and of God? The answer is only one. Being us separated from Christ, because we have distanced ourselves from obedience to His Word, having become dry trees, we speak like dry trees, confirming the Word of Jesus: “Without me you can do nothing”. Not only can nothing be done for the salvation of the world, not only might one word of truth be said. As dry trees, put in the fire to burn. We do not even burn, but we only produce smoke of lies, falsehood, deception and illusion. We have become preachers who justify evil in all its forms. From disciples of Jesus we went on to be disciples of Satan. No one has ever been able to deny or declare a single Word of Jesus false.

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the vine grower. He takes away every branch in me that does not bear fruit, and everyone that does he prunes so that it bears more fruit. You are already pruned because of the word that I spoke to you. Remain in me, as I remain in you. Just as a branch cannot bear fruit on its own unless it remains on the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in me. I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing. Anyone who does not remain in me will be thrown out like a branch and wither; people will gather them and throw them into a fire and they will be burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask for whatever you want and it will be done for you. By this is my Father glorified, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples.

It is right to ask ourselves: where does this unique, only true vine planted by the Father grow? I know that many will be scandalized and tear their clothes, but truth always obliges. Christ Jesus was planted on the ground that is Peter. He is the stone, the rock on which the true vine grows and lives. And all the other churches? They are branches that are detached from the true vine. They are not cultivated by the Father. The Father cultivates only his true vine. Each of them is grown by herself. For this it is necessary that all be converted to the true vine and let themselves be bound by the Holy Spirit to it again. We can also not be branches of Christ Jesus on the ground of Peter, but let everyone know that he does not produce fruits of true salvation. The de-Christianization of the world is in this detachment from the true vine planted on the ground that is Peter. History attests to this truth.

Mother of God, Angels and Saints, help each branch so that it returns onto the true vine of Jesus.