Whoever receives me receives the one who sent me

At 13,13-25; Ps 88; Jn 13,16-20
16 MAY

The Father sends his only Son in the power of the Holy Spirit. The Son welcomes all the Father and the Spirit in his heart, in his mind, in his desires and in his will. He comes to us with the Word of the Father and the truth, wisdom, intellect, counsel and strength of the Holy Spirit. He comes full of God and of his Holy Spirit. After having revealed the Father in the Holy Spirit and accomplished the redemption for the salvation of humanity, he entrusts his mission to his Apostles. They will have to go into the world with Christ Jesus in their heart, which is full of the Father and the Spirit, filling themselves more and more each day of the Father and the Holy Spirit and conforming to Christ the Lord until being his perfect image among their brothers, in the same way that Christ was the true presence of the Father in the midst of men. The Apostles are sent among all peoples, to all people. As Christ brought the Father and gave the Father so that he was received, so the disciples must bring Christ and give Christ so that he is received. Christ is welcomed, by welcoming the disciples as true bearers of Christ, true givers of his Word, of his grace and of his truth.

Today, this great mystery of reception seems to have been turned upside down. It is no longer the man who has to welcome Christ brought by the disciple, but it is the disciple who must welcome the man who comes to him, but not to receive Christ, but some material goods necessary for his life. It is understood that by doing so one places himself outside the true evangelical reception. This is aimed at welcoming the disciple who brings Christ, so that, by accepting Christ who bears the Father, the Father is welcomed in his mystery and will of eternal salvation for every man. If the Father is not accepted, every other reception is useless. Man remains without any eternal salvation. If every other welcome can be done by other men, the Apostle of the Lord, having to live of the most pure obedience to the One who sent him, first must always let himself be preceded by Christ and then he arrives. It means that he will never have to omit the gift of Christ Jesus. This gift must be given explicitly, clearly and inviting to conversion and faith in the Gospel. By asking that we let ourselves be baptized in order to be born of water and Holy Spirit so as to enter the kingdom of heaven. The Apostle of the Lord must always know that for him there might never exist either mercy, piety, or compassion if they are not aimed at the gift of Christ. The gift of Christ must be made according to the rules given by Christ, never by imagination, thought, fantasy and will of the personal heart. Unfortunately, today obedience to the rules of Christ has been abolished and acceptance is done according to anthropological rules without any reference either to salvation, to Christ or to the Father.

Amen, amen, I say to you, no slave is greater than his master nor any messenger greater than the one who sent him. If you understand this, blessed are you if you do it. I am not speaking of all of you. I know those whom I have chosen. But so that the scripture might be fulfilled, ‘The one who ate my food has raised his heel against me.’ From now on I am telling you before it happens, so that when it happens you may believe that I AM. Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever receives the one I send receives me, and whoever receives me receives the one who sent me.”

The Apostle must never be presented as a man among men. He is the visible presence of Christ, as Christ is the visible presence of the Father. As Jesus is the visible presence of the Father because He is full of the Father, his life is entirely given to the Father so that the Father may manifest himself to the world through him, so the life of the Apostle must be given entirely to Christ, so that Christ manifests and reveals himself, gives himself, converts and saves through him. When the life of the Apostle is no longer all of Christ, it is not even under the conduction and motion of the Holy Spirit. It is then that he, devoid of the true Christ, worshiper of a false Christ and a false God, presents himself to the world as a man among men. This is a true fall in the most black and sad temptation. The Apostle of the Lord did not give life to men, but to Christ. Obedience to the Word of Christ is the truth of his gift.

Mother of God, Angels and Saints, make us full of Christ, to give Christ the life of the world.