vangelo del giorno

Whoever believes in him will not be condemned

15 JUNE (Jn 3,16-18)

The Word of Jesus does not allow misunderstandings, disputes, other interpretations and the result of human philosophies and theologies, to arise. The Word of Jesus is the only one that is of eternal life for us. Either you believe in it and you enter into eternal life, or you do not believe in it and you abide in death, with the aggravating circumstance of the non faith, and therefore with the responsibility of having refused the gift of God. Who does not believe, from a non guilty ignorance passes to a culpable refusal. Before listening to the Word, and after having heard it are not the same thing. There is the intervention of the will of man that accepts or refuses the gift of God.

Today on these words of Jesus reigns a lot of confusion. Not only on these but on the whole Gospel. It is no longer thought of as the one and only way to true salvation. By many, even Catholics, it is taught that salvation is without Christ, outside of Him and separated from Him. There are even advocates of an anonymous Christianity. All of these confuse the desire of salvation with true salvation. They ignore that the yearning for God is not possessing God, just as the yearning for Christ is not being with Christ yet. Longing and possession of the true good are not the same thing.

Let u imagine a thirsty man in a hot desert. His heart, his mind, his thoughts and every part of his body is covered with an irresistible longing to the water. This yearning drives him to the search of real water, but it is still not water that quenches thirst. It drives toward water, but his body is still in thirst. It is necessary that the same truth is affirmed for all those who yearn for the truth, but who have not yet reached it, because it has not become the life of their life, the essence of their essence, the body of their body, mind of their mind and soul of their soul.

The error of these thinkers is in the fact that they ignore that salvation is not the eternal one, it is instead the one in time. The salvation of the Gospel consists in bringing, today, man into Christ who is his eternal truth. Man was created through Christ, redeemed by Him and he must enter to be saved in Him. With sin, man is placed outside of Christ. He is very similar to those huge cetaceans that run aground. You can also pour buckets of water on their skin. But this water does not give them salvation. Salvation is when they return to plunge into the sea. Either we immerse ourselves in Christ, or we all come to a stand still. We are in non salvation. We are in death.

For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him. Whoever believes in him will not be condemned, but whoever does not believe has already been condemned, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God. 

Believing in the name of the only Son of God does not mean to know that He exists and that his Word is truth for man. One does not believe in Him until he is immersed in Him, until with Him he does not become one. One body, one life, one truth and one Word. Salvation is in the transformation of Jesus Christ into our lives, our history and our perennial everyday life. Salvation is to bring the structure of Christ, which is Trinitarian structure, onto our earth. You bring among men the true notion of eternity, divinity, holiness, truth, justice and peace.

Believing in the only Son of God is becoming one body with him, accepting of being visibly the Church of God. However, not being of this or that other Church, but of that Church that is founded on Peter. This is the one that has received from Christ the promise of remaining stable forever in the truth. The others are deprived of this promise and can induce man to evil, to non faith, to non justice and to non truth. This step is essential to the faith in Christ, for it is only in the Church founded on Peter that He reigns in the fullness of his grace and truth and thus in the fullness of salvation. One longs to Christ longing to the Church.

Virgin Mary, Mother of the Redemption, Angels and Saints make us true body of Jesus Christ.