Archbishop of Rossano-CARIATI
(Catanzaro, Politeama Theatre, March 13, 2007)



Most Reverend Excellencies,
On behalf of all the Apostolic Movement I give you and the people of God entrusted to your pastoral care the most cordial greetings.
The topics that you will deal with: “I loved you with an everlasting love” (Jer 31:3), “The Apostolic Movement witness of the love of God among men”, are arguments whose truth in them far exceeds our thoughts, because it springs from the heart of the Father from eternity; and makes itself life fully in Jesus Christ and from Him, through his Holy Spirit fills our hearts and through us must be irradiated into the whole world.
“I loved you with an everlasting love.” It is the imperative cry that God, the Lord makes his people hear through the voice of the prophet Jeremiah. The eternal love with which God loves us is the Crucified and Risen Jesus Christ. He love us in Him, with Him, for Him, in his Body, which is the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. In her, with her and through her, every baptized person becomes a participant in Christ through the work of the Holy Spirit, of this eternal love by which the Lord wants to love man.
“The Apostolic Movement witness of the love of God among men.” Called to announce and remind the Word of Christ Jesus to every man, in the faith and conversion to the Gospel; by letting itself be made new by God every day under the guidance of the Shepherds constituted by him to feed his Flock with grace and truth; every member inserts himself vitally in the Mystical Body of Christ and becomes in it, in the communion of the Holy Spirit, an instrument through which God pours into the hearts of others, his love which is salvation, redemption and sanctification.
When this unity is lived in a admirable way, until forming a single heart, it is than that one becomes true, credible witness of God’s eternal love for man. Creating this unity is the commitment and work of each member of the Apostolic Movement. The beauty, uniqueness, novelty, goodness and holiness of God’s love for all humanity are in this unity.
The strength is drawn from the Eucharist, the constant prayer, and the love for the Virgin Mary, Mother of the Redemption, invoked with the Holy Rosary. The mission is lived in obedience for the faith to the Shepherds, in collaboration with the parish priests, in communion with every other movement, group, and association.
I thank you, Most Reverend Excellencies, that speak to us not in your own name, but as the Vicars of Jesus Christ and successors of the Apostles; I salute those who have taken part in this our 2nd National Convention: the Most Excellent Bishops, priests, Religious man and women, the Consecrated Lay Women, the Political Authorities, Civil and Military of all orders and levels, and the Adherents of the Apostolic Movement.
A thanks to the President, Mrs. Concetta Marraffa, for the great faith that moves her spirit.
A greeting the Inspirer – Founder, Mrs. Maria Marino, the bearer of so great a mystery, always placed at the service of the Church and lived in the greatest obedience to her Shepherds. To her goes our gratitude.
To all of you thanks for being here, on this historic day of the Apostolic Movement.

Monsignor Costantino Di Bruno
Central Ecclesiastical Assistant of the Apostolic Movement