vangelo del giorno


Dn 7,13-14; Ps 92; Rev 1,5-8; Jn 18,33b-37

Being and truth are one. What is the truth of God? He is the eternal Being, without beginning and without end, from whose omnipotent Word being and all that exists outside of Him, be it visible or invisible, near or far were created. This is a first truth of being. If man wants to remain in his being that is life, that in him it is the fruit of many “parts of being” that must live in perfect harmony, he is obliged to receive it perpetually from his Lord and Creator. How does man constantly receive his being? Obeying every Word that his God addresses to him. Is he in the Word? Does he obey it? He draws on being, remains in the truth of his being received. Does he come out of the Word? Is he made disobedient to it? He loses his being received, enters a process of death, which can also lead to eternal death. This is the first, fundamental and essential truth of man.

A second truth must be immediately highlighted. Man gets out of his being and enters death. An image might help us understand what happen. Let us take a car, even the most beautiful, the most perfect, the most modern and the most complex. Let us not talk about an accident that devastates and totally ruins it, but also of a simple scratch. It cannot be repaired by itself. It takes the hand of those who built and thought of it. New parts are needed, in the event of a serious accident. New paint is also needed in case of scratches or other superficial damage. This is the truth of the car. The truth of man is in all similar. The man sins. He gets out of the Word. He enters death. Only God can call him back to life. Only He might raise and reassemble him. Without God his “pieces” do not work, because they are not connected to each other and moreover they are broken. Each piece is broken and must be repaired, adjusted and often even replaced.

Who is Jesus? The only “divine mechanic” sent by the Father to give man his truth, even to give him a more wonderful one. This means that He comes to bear witness to the truth. He comes to tell every man that only his Father is the Eternal Being from whom everything receives its particular being. But even today man, who lies in death, can receive his new being only from his Father. His Father gives it to him only through Him. But He only gives it to those who believe that He is the only “divine Mechanic” sent by the Father to completely redo man, regenerating, recreating, remaking him in his Holy Spirit. Rather, by giving his Holy Spirit as the new Breath of life, so that He may always be led towards the Father and no longer towards evil. Without faith in Christ there is no return to the truth.

So Pilate went back into the praetorium and summoned Jesus and said to him, “Are you the King of the Jews?” Jesus answered, “Do you say this on your own or have others told you about me?” Pilate answered, “I am not a Jew, am I? Your own nation and the chief priests handed you over to me. What have you done?” Jesus answered, “My kingdom does not belong to this world. If my kingdom did belong to this world, my attendants (would) be fighting to keep me from being handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my kingdom is not here.” So Pilate said to him, “Then you are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say I am a king. For this I was born and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.”

All the kingdoms of the earth live in falsehood, because man is in falsehood. A false man cannot build a true kingdom. The kingdom of Jesus is a kingdom that has nothing to do with the kingdoms of here below. He did not come to take something away from anyone, but to give new life to every man. He bears witness to the truth by not saying words of truth, but by making man true, giving him his truth in a manner even more radiant than that of his origins. Pilate thinks that truth is a word, a concept. He ignores that for Jesus it is the true, new creation of man, most pure regeneration and a gift to the man of his Holy Spirit, as the new Breath of life.

Most Pure Virgin, Angels and Saints ensure that we advance from truth to truth in Christ Jesus.