vangelo del giorno

To proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal (the sick)

24 SEPTEMBER (Lk 9,1-6)

No one might ever build on earth the kingdom of God with his own human strength. Jesus is God in his Person and in his divine nature. He is indissolubly united to humanity. He became flesh. Yet not even his person and his divine nature are enough to build on earth the kingdom of God. He must be indissolubly linked to the will of the Father. In his humanity, He must be filled with the Holy Spirit and must act with his strength, his wisdom, his motion and his power.

If not even Christ, alone with his divine person and nature can build the kingdom of God on our earth, because all the love of the Father and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit have to act in him, might ever a man alone, in his human poverty and misery only think of being able do anything to destroy the works of the devil? Yet, every day we all gain experience of this fake, false and lying song, which is sung to man, considered as a true builder of freedom, peace, brotherhood, well-being and true humanity.

But this is the world that incenses itself. It is the kingdom of darkness which celebrates its praises. It is the universe of hypocrisy and iniquity that elevates hymns of glory to that which is iniquity in guise of salvation and redemption. What is very sad is that even the Christian by now has become accustomed to these funeral liturgies. We should all rebel. We should cry out against falsehood, or at least not give the right of citizenship in our hearts and in our minds. The revolutions of the world are nothing more than the passage from one slavery to another, from one tyranny to another. Switching from the bondage of the monarchy to that of democracy makes no difference. Slipping from the bondage of a human master to the servitude of death of the libertinage of today aggravates much more. But we sing our poems to builders of bigger flaws and of larger slavery. can do the kingdom of darkness, the kingdom without Christ know how to do these things.

How different is instead the kingdom of God that Jesus came to build on our earth. It is first of all liberation from the bondage of the devil, that is, from all his lie, deceit, falsehood and heresy. Then, it is deliverance from all the evils that afflict our body and our spirit. It is creating a new hope in the hearts. It is instilling in them the divine charity. It is founding humanity on a principle of real and true communion. It is making of all men one people, one community, one body and one life. It is putting back in the human heart the principle of true freedom that comes from the observance of the Lord’s Word. It is giving the very earth the breath of its truth.

He summoned the Twelve and gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them to proclaim the kingdom of Godand to heal (the sick). He said to them, “Take nothing for the journey, neither walking stick, nor sack, nor food, nor money, and let no one take a second tunic. Whatever house you enter, stay there and leave from there. And as for those who do not welcome you, when you leave that town, shake the dust from your feet in testimony against them.” Then they set out and went from village to village proclaiming the good news and curing diseases everywhere.

No man might be able to build this kingdom, without the power and strength of God, of Christ and of the Holy Spirit in his heart. This power and this might are not drawn in Christ to then live without him and against Him. They are drawn in Christ, abiding in Christ, forming with Him a single life, one body and one reality. Christ and the disciple must be one thing, they have to embrace each other into a perfect unity. This happens if the disciple makes of the Word of Jesus his house in which to live forever. Coming out of the word, cutting himself off of Christ, the disciple is completely alone. He can no longer build up the true kingdom of God. He might also do a thousand other things, but he will never be a builder of the kingdom of heaven. He lacks the strength and the power of the Lord Jesus. He lacks that supernatural power with which to destroy the kingdom of darkness.

Virgin Mary, Mother of the Redemption, Angels and Saints make us be one with Jesus.