vangelo del giorno

Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you

1 JUNE (Mt 28,16-20)

Saying and doing, announcing and operating, proclaiming and living must be one to missionaries of the Gospel. There is a big difference between Jesus and Moses. Moses goes up the mountain, receives the Law from the Lord. He comes down from the mountain, reads the Ten Words that the Lord had written on tablets of stone, stipulates the alliance on the blood of bull calves, to the people there is nothing left but to obey what has been heard, according to the commitment taken. Strong for the covenant made with their God, the people resume the journey to the Promised Land. Moses is only a mediator concerning the gift of the Law. He is not the mediator as to how to live the Law. He is not the model to follow. He walks with the people, lives the fragility of the people and feels the fatigue of obedience. He even lacks in faith and for this reason he does not enter into the Promised Land. He contemplates it from afar.

Jesus goes infinitely beyond. He goes up the mountain. He has the place of God. He brings forth the New Law from his heart. he gives whole to his disciples, without any writing either on tablets of stone, or on parchment or papyrus and wax tablets. The law is written day by day, in an ever-present truth by the Holy Spirit in the hearts of every one of his disciples. Then Jesus comes down from the mountain, stands at the head of his disciples and shows them how every word they heard has to be lived. His exemplariness is perfect. He never falls from the faith, never from the truth, never from hope and never from charity. This teaching receives its degree on Mount Calvary. It is here that he, carrying the heavy wood of the cross, is crucified and from the cross gives the highest teaching in charity, in truth, in hope and in all wisdom in the Holy Spirit. His exemplariness is perfect. He is the true Master. Now every one of his disciples knows how to live his Law. The Master showed him everything. Neither a gesture, nor a word, nor a behaviour nor an attitude were ever opposed to the New Law.

Today, Jesus sends his disciples all over the world. They must imitate him in his mediation: they must draw the New Law from their heart, never from their books, never from their parchments, never from their scrolls, never from their libraries. Scroll, book, parchment, library must be their heart, in which the Holy Spirit, the Divine Author dwells, who day by day, moment by moment, writes the Law to be taught and lived. This first mediation is vital. It is the foundation without which the house of the Gospel goes to ruin. But the second mediation is also of vital necessity. It is the mediation of the exemplariness. They must show how every word they uttered must be lived. Without this mediation, there is no evangelical mission. It lacks in its true essence. The apostles and missionaries of the Gospel must be teachers by perfect exemplariness, mediators of true evangelical life.

The eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had ordered them. When they saw him, they worshiped, but they doubted. Then Jesus approached and said to them, “All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.”

Mediation of speech and mediation of exemplariness must be only one mediation. The former must give strength to the latter. The one must draw life energy from the other. When one fails, the other also dies. They live in symbiosis. The one draws life from the other. Either they both live, or both of them are dead. Let nobody delude himself. It is not give that one can proclaim the Gospel with one mediation. Jesus is the perfect model of every one of his missionaries. He must always look at him who wants to proclaim the Word of salvation, of redemption and of life. The Law must be taken from his own heart, in which the Holy Spirit lives. The Law must be taught, by showing all the possible practical applications through our lives. If we ignore these two mediations, or essential truths, we proclaim the Gospel in vain. This announcement does not produce any fruit of true salvation. It is a course of a vain philosophy, even if it is noble and perfect. It is a truth out of the missionary and therefore outside of history.

Virgin Mary, Mother of the Redemption, Angels and Saints make us true mediators of Jesus.