Ready to open immediately when he comes and knocks

Rm 5,12.15b.17-19.20b-21; Ps 39; Lk 12,35-38

The landlord leaves for a honeymoon. He orders his servants to watch until he returns. But nobody knows, not even by imagination or fantasy, when he returns. He could decide not to go to the wedding immediately after he left and return to his home. But he could also delay a day like a year. At any moment he could be in front of the door and knock to be welcomed. This is our daily history. Nobody knows the moment of his death. He cannot even know it by imagination. Jesus says: “Watch, because the moment you do not even imagine, the Son of Man comes”. In every instant he could come.

Why do we have to watch? Because when the Lord comes he must find us firmly in faith, in hope and in charity. He must find us in his Word, in his Gospel, in his obedience, in his grace and truth and in his light. From the light of the earth we will pass into eternal light. From the darkness of this world we will be introduced into eternal darkness. At the moment of death two doors open for us: that of Paradise or eternal bliss and that of hell or curse without return. While we are alive, everyone must put all his efforts so that at the moment of death the door of eternal joy is opened for him.

Today it is as if every Christian had been granted the license to distract himself in every vice, every sin and every immorality. The great sowers of falsehood and lies, against every Word of Jesus and every Word of God our Father, have inoculated in the heart of man an evil, a highly slanderous and of false testimony thought against the Lord and our Creator. These forgers of faith, of hope and of charity, are shouting to the four winds that in the last day God will open the arms of his mercy and will welcome all into his eternal kingdom. Hell is not suited to the love of the Father and for this we must declare its non-existence.

It is understood that such a thought is more than a universal flood. It destroys all revelation and sound doctrine in an instant. The deposit of faith disappears. Christian morality is of no use. Ascetics and mysticism must be considered rubbish. The Church has no reason to exist. Her sacraments are downgraded to pure rituality without any truth. This thought alone of falsehood, lie and false testimony was enough to make a useless ballast of the Christian religion. We must undo it. It is of no use. It served to teach the way of eternal salvation. Heaven is given to everyone. It is no longer needed. Practicing it is of no use.

“Gird your loins and light your lamps and be like servants who await their master’s return from a wedding, ready to open immediately when he comes and knocks. Blessed are those servants whom the master finds vigilant on his arrival. Amen, I say to you, he will gird himself, have them recline at table, and proceed to wait on them. And should he come in the second or third watch and find them prepared in this way, blessed are those servants.

Let who still believes in the Gospel – I personally urge every Christian to believe in it because it is the only true Word in the world. There are no others – strengthen his faith, let him not fall into the temptation of Satan. Let him know that God has never denied his Word, never changed it, never said a different, dissimilar and contrary word in little or in a lot. The Word of God and of Jesus is that and will remain such forever. But faith is precisely this: confessing that only the Word of Jesus is true, even if the whole world were to fall into the temptation of Satan and unanimously cry out that hell does not exist and that Paradise is for everyone. Even if Christ in person came and told me that hell does not exist, I should believe. I should think that Satan has assumed the appearance of Lord Jesus to confuse my mind and my heart. On the other hand, Paul says this: “If even an Angel of heaven should announce to you Gospel a different than the one I have announced you, do not believe him: he is an impostor”.

Mother of God, Angels and Saints, give us an invincible faith in the Word of Lord Jesus.