Meditating on the Passion at the Rome Auditorium Conciliazione
Humanity that rises and is elevated on the wood of the Cross, offering its own misery, suffering, pain, the efforts of an existence surrounded by hope.
Entrusting joy, love and prayer to the mystery of the Cross; and regaining life, the strength of going on, of asking and discovering. Of the very Cross that Jesus loaded on his shoulders, that same cross which he was nailed and has given his last breath on; now man finds his salvation, redemption and forgiveness.
“Meditating on the Passion” aims at contemplating the ‘via dolorosa’ (painful way): an arduous and painful journey in which sufferings are performed to go towards death.
Man shares in it, bringing lights and shadows within him, but only for the last time.
In this going the conscience begins to come out, to reflect, to become meditative and to jolt; it speaks in the innermost depths of the being and strips man of all forms of hypocrisy, falsehood and error.
At the foot of the Cross everything is transformed:
“O my Mother, you know my weakness, my tiredness, my nothingness.
Tell your Son Jesus, who looks at me and knows me, that I love him… O my Mother, Mother of the Redemption, take me with you beneath the Cross… “.
A Cross of Resurrection that man embraces to give and to love, to deny himself and to walk in order to go… save… convert, without asking for anything in turn.
I reflected a lot about this work: the passion of Christ comes in and upsets.
Every described scene, the musicality of the passages, the texts, the meditatings have aroused strong emotions in me. Living in an intense way the scenes and remaining abducted on them like stepping into a painting on canvas. I intended to fully convey the emotions experienced to those who stood by me and have graciously collaborated in this work.
Thank you all from my heart.
Thanks to the young and the not so young who committed themselves with great dedication and enthusiasm without running after the clock that was ticking really fast.
They donated moments of joy and liveliness with the dancing, the acting and their smiles. Thanks to those who have collaborated tirelessly “behind the scenes”… even at night!
You read on these faces love for the mission; the faith donated and lived in a heard call: “reminding the world the Word of Jesus.”
“The faith we keep in our hearts must illumine the whole of our life and through our light it must radiate the heart of every other man.”
It is with these words that I thank Monsignor Costantino Di Bruno for the virtuous care and guidance of our souls; for the support and strength, in the faith, he gives us every day with love and perseverance.
I wish to address a thought to my mother, Inspirer and Founder of the Apostolic Movement. About thirty years ago she embarked on a journey of faith, love and suffering; a journey that, with the help of God the Father, she has never stopped.
She was alone. Today, she no longer is.
Cettina Marraffa
“… I want to express a deep sense of gratitude for this time of contemplation and prayer that through the singing and performing art, has elevated our souls to the point of bringing them into the mystery of our saving redemption.
A mystery of love announced by these young actors who not only have recited but have lived with Christ, this event of redemption and life in the unity of the Movement which I really wish to be more and more everyday witness of Risen Christ in the Church and in the world ” .
(From the words of H. E. Monsignor Antonio Ciliberti,
Metropolitan Archbishop of Catanzaro-Squillace
dictated at the end of the sacred representation
“Meditating the Passion” the I April 2007)