vangelo del giorno

Let your peace return to you

11 JUNE (Mt 10,7-13)

If we were to list all the forgotten truths by the Christian, certainly a large volume would be needed. Today, the risk is that we live without any truth, since everything has been delivered to an empty sentimentality and a will that determines from time to time what is good and what is bad. Almost all of us are in that faith that has been deprived of its contents of revelation. We are released from sound tradition. We live without listening to the Magisterium. We behave as if everyone were isolated from the others. We can affirm that faith today is about to reach the summit of its falsity. Never had we fallen so low. The Gentiles also had somewhat of a relationship with something that was out of their mind and their heart. On the contrary, today man’s religion is his heart, his mind, his thoughts and his desires.

Having constituted man the religion of man, we often find that no one is self-sufficient. Man is not God. He is a finite, limited being, attacked by evil, even deposed of his very being, deprived of all necessary and indispensable goods and dilapidated in his noblest spiritual substances. The man who has constituted his will religion realizes that the will of the other massacres, destroys and reduces him to dust. He sees that the will of his brother is to him a true source of death and not of life. This happens when the will is constituted man’s religion. When this happens and it happens every day, then you hear from someone the need to ask the Lord that he never makes us miss in his divine goods, such as peace, prosperity, life, health, well-being and whatever is necessary for the daily living.

We ask God, but we forget that today man is the administrator of every gift of God. We ask God, but we ignore that the administrator of God has resigned from his position, his responsibility and the mission he was entrusted with. Today, man is the providence of God on our earth. If man fails in his mission, the earth falls into a social, political, financial, economic and civil chaos precisely because there are no more the curators and the bearers of the goods of God in the community of men. This truth must be assumed with courage, firmness of Holy Spirit and very high responsibility. A single gift of God not brought to men, deprives them of life. There is a death that sneaks around today among men caused by the quitting of the Christian to be a true disciple of Lord Jesus. He is the bearer, the giver of peace to men. He is the missionary, the sent and the messenger that must offer the peace of God to every man.

As you go, make this proclamation: ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, drive out demons. Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give. Do not take gold or silver or copper for your belts; no sack for the journey, or a second tunic, or sandals, or walking stick. The labourer deserves his keep. Whatever town or village you enter, look for a worthy person in it, and stay there until you leave. As you enter a house, wish it peace. If the house is worthy, let your peace come upon it; if not, let your peace return to you.

Our God is the God of peace, the Lord of reconciliation and of true life. But he no longer acts in a direct way. He always operates in an indirect way. He uses his ministers, these servants who have accepted to be his instruments for the gift of himself to men. Every disciple of Jesus must feel to be the continuer of the work of his Master. He must think himself to be a true reconciler, offering his life to the Father of heaven as a tool for true peace, reconciliation and great friendship. If the Christian unclothes himself of this supreme mission, the world is left without light, without peace and without life. All God placed himself in his hands, in his heart, in his intelligence and in his very body. God wants to give himself fully through him. This truth must be taken up and lived with an upright conscience, a pure heart, clean hands, a free spirit and a determined will till martyrdom. The Christian has in his hands life and death, peace and enmity, love and hatred justice and injustice. Everything is from him.

Virgin Mary, Mother of the Redemption, Angels and Saints make us true givers of peace.