vangelo del giorno

In his name the Gentiles will hope

19 JULY (Mt 12,14-21)

Today, the Gospel, specifically, teaches us what the true religion is and how it must be lived. It does not teach us through a treaty that we might call “De vera religione”“On true religion,” but through the presentation of the purest reality of Jesus the Lord. True religion is Lord Jesus. Knowing He one knows the truth of our religion. Imitating Him one enters into the truth of his religion, which is the only real one. There are no other true religions in the world. Thinking that there are other true religions, is set off through winding paths of deception and falsehood.

One is not true religion by “motu proprio”, that is by a personal choice that starts from the heart of a man. On the contrary, one is by most pure divine charity that calls, choose and invites us to enter into familiarity with the Blessed Trinity. We are called to be children of the Father, brothers of Jesus Christ and dwelling of the Holy Spirit on earth. We are elevated so high up in order to live in every moment of our earthly existence as true children of the Father, true brothers of Jesus Christ and true living temple of the Holy Spirit.

Who is the Father? He is the one who so loves the world as to give His Only Son. I am a true son of the Father if I transform myself into his living love, a love of creation, a love of redemption, a love of justification and a love of the elevation of every one of my brothers. If I do not live to convey this most pure divine, paternal love, I certainly am not in the true religion. I live a human, earthly, sensual and often even devilish religion. I live a religion which is the contrary, the opposite of true love, truth charity, true mercy and true compassion.

Who is Jesus Christ? He is the one who made himself ​​a gift of love for the salvation of mankind. His love is of redemption, atonement, reconciliation, a gift of the Holy Spirit, through his body and his blood, which are the sacrament in which our eternal life is placed. If my love does not become a love that redeems, atones , free the world from sin, poverty, physical and spiritual misery, I certainly do not belong to the true religion. I live one in which envy, jealousy, pride, foolishness, wickedness and great idolatry reign.

Who is the Holy Spirit? He is the divine and eternal light, that gives himself to us as wisdom, fortitude, knowledge, counsel, intellect, piety and fear of the Lord. If from my holy temple in which the Spirit dwells and lives, these spiritual gifts do not spring, I certainly do not belong to the true religion. I send neither truth nor light. I offer darkness of immorality and vice. My religion is false, even if its external apparatus is gorgeous, wonderful, full of light, incense, flowers and things like that.

But the Pharisees went out and took counsel against him to put him to death. When Jesus realized this, he withdrew from that place. Many (people) followed him, and he cured them all, but he warned them not to make him known. This was to fulfil what had been spoken through Isaiah the prophet: “Behold, my servant whom I have chosen, my beloved in whom I delight; I shall place my spirit upon him, and he will proclaim justice to the Gentiles. He will not contend or cry out, nor will anyone hear his voice in the streets. A bruised reed he will not break, a smouldering wick he will not quench, until he brings justice to victory. And in his name the Gentiles will hope.”

We are of the true religion when in us, as in Jesus Christ, the Father is well pleased. He is when we live only to do his will. If our obedience to His voice does not become perfect, stable, durable, we are not of the true religion. We move from the false to the true and from the true to the false too quickly. While we are in truth we move instantly into the false and soon after we return again into the truth. We lack in stability. Instability always makes us of the non true, non right and non saint religion. Instability is the Christian evil for excellence. We are and we are not, we get close and we turn away, we say with words and we undo with facts. We confess with our mouth and we deny with the heart.

Virgin Mary, Mother of the Redemption, Angels and Saints give us heart stability.