He will guide you to all truth

At 17,15.22-18,1; Ps 148; Jn 16,12-15
29 MAY

God is eternal truth. The eternal truth that is God is all in Christ Jesus. Jesus is the eternal truth of the Father. Saying Jesus: “When He comes, the Spirit of truth will guide you to the whole truth”, he wants to reveal to us a great mystery. The Holy Spirit comes, not only to tell man what his truth is, but also to make him truth in Christ, with Christ and through Christ. After the glorious resurrection of Jesus, the truth of every man is only one: letting oneself be transformed into the truth of Christ, becoming the truth of Christ in the personal body, spirit and soul. By becoming the truth of Christ, one becomes the truth of God through the participation of his divine nature. The mission of the Holy Spirit is not only to make us the truth of Christ, but also to lead us to the attainment of all possible truth to our body, our spirit and our soul. Iron is iron in its nature. The blacksmith can put the iron near the fire and it just heats up. Heating is so little as not to allow it to be formed and transformed. But if the smith puts the iron in the centre of the fire and covers it with fire, the iron soon becomes fire and acquires the properties of fire. It is iron, but it is also fire. It can be worked, shaped and moulded. If then the iron is placed in a blast furnace, it reaches the melting point. You can give it all the shapes you want. This means leading to the whole truth. Bring our nature to liquefaction in Christ, to assume the perfect form of Christ, so as to manifest Christ at the height of his beauty and majesty.

As the iron turns into fire it also acquires the new truth of fire. When the iron is next to the fire, it knows that the fire can heat up. When it is in the fire, it knows that fire can transform into fire and it is through this transformation that it can become malleable. If he then it reaches the liquefaction it will know that the fire has such a power as to allow it to be transformed into any object necessary to man. Here is the mission of the Spirit of the Lord: bringing the disciples of Jesus up to the liquefaction in Christ in order to assume the form of Christ, according to the measure and the modalities established by Him. The knowledge of the truth of Christ, and in Christ of God, happens by assumption in our life of Christ and of God. Assuming Christ we know Christ, even rationally. The more we assume him, the more we know of Christ. Without the Spirit of God, the one and only Blacksmith of our transformation into Christ, the journey to the whole truth is not accomplished, because no one alone can be placed in the heart and no one alone can bring himself to liquefaction in Christ, so as to be able to live entirely for Christ and with Christ. For the Holy Spirit the truth which is external to man, but which was of man by creation and which man has lost because of his transgression, becomes again internal truth. Nevertheless, the initial truth of creation and the final truth of redemption are highly different. Between the newly heated iron and the liquefied iron there is a difference and it is very high. With the liquefaction everything can be done with it.

“I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth. He will not speak on his own, but he will speak what he hears, and will declare to you the things that are coming. He will glorify me, because he will take from what is mine and declare it to you. Everything that the Father has is mine; for this reason I told you that he will take from what is mine and declare it to you.

We must absolutely avoid considering the mission of the Holy Spirit alone and solely as the guide that leads us from truth to truth, truth understood as a cognitive process of the mind. This is not all his mission. He comes to immerse us in the truth of Christ, make us liquefy in it, in order to assume the form, the essence, the truth, the life and the light that are in Christ Jesus. The whole truth to which the Spirit leads is the assumption of the whole essence of Christ in our body, soul and spirit. He comes to make us Christ because in him, with him and through him, we can cooperate in his mystery of redemption and salvation for every other man. A mission that is only his.

Mother of God, Angels and Saints, intercede so that we become truth of the truth of Jesus.