Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace
(Rome, Auditorium Conciliazione, 24 November 2010, 5.30 p.m.)



Your Excellency,
The subject on which you will dwell on this evening is: “Youth: in charity and truth.”
Charity and truth are two realities outside of us, not in us, they are not our work, because they are not our essence. They are eternal essence of God, Creator and Lord of the Universe, of Jesus Christ the Redeemer of mankind, of the Holy Spirit, their Actualizer in all men.
The Holy Father Benedict XVI has raised the urgent problem of the training issue. Educating is leading man out of his past and present of humanity detached from the source of charity and truth and introducing him by immersion in that water and that blood that flow from the side of Christ dying on the Cross.
Yesterday, this water and this blood poured out of the of the martyrs’ Martyr, of the Faithful witness, Lord Jesus; out of his body pierced by the charity and truth of the Father. Today, this water and this blood must flow from the mystical body of Christ, which is also pierced and made a martyr by the charity and truth of God.
Eternal model for the whole mystical body, of how the martyrdom of charity and truth of the Father is lived; is only He, Jesus Christ. We, His body, must know, study and contemplate him; we must always look to him, helped in this by the Divine guide which is the Holy Spirit.
During his earthly life Jesus Christ did not say a word out of him, he did not even utter truths outside of God. He is the eternal Word made flesh, the divine Truth become history. The Father lived in him and the Holy Spirit always moved him toward the Father. The Father decanted into the heart of the Son His truth, charity, eternal life, and the Son poured them, always moved by the Spirit, into our hearts.
The secret of Christ is this divine and human unity with the Father and the Holy Spirit, this divine and human communion of obedience and fulfillment of the life of the Father in his flesh.
I say this because 31 years ago, right in these days, the Lord has bestowed me the grace to know a person, not in an occasional way, not our of a human desire, but through his explicit and direct will.
I saw and see in this person: the Heavenly Father that pours in her all his love and truth; Christ Jesus who gives her his cross and crown of thorns; the Holy Spirit who takes and leads her among the scattered children of the Father, so that manifesting them all the charity and truth of God in Christ Jesus, always through his work, realizes that education that is immersion in the divine charity and eternal truth.
All this happens not out of the Church, out of the Mystical Body of Christ, but in her. Not by human means, through discoveries or inventions of our rationality, but through divine ways. Not through words of convenience or expediency, but with the light of the Holy Spirit that penetrates the hearts and draws them to Christ, into his Church.
I saw three hearts beat in unison: the heart of the Father, the heart of the Son and the heart of this person, cemented in a single heart by the Holy Spirit. Rather the hearts are four, because to them there has always been combined the heart of the Virgin Mary, Mother of the Redemption.
With this power of grace and truth, of love and of eternal life, with the Blessed Trinity at work in her and through her, with the Virgin Mary, that helps her live the cross of Christ that the sin of the world daily places on her shoulders, the Inspirer – Founder of the Apostolic Movement is going through our history, pointing us the way to give a solution to the educational question that hangs over and is overwhelming us.
For everyone to be able to understand the power of the Holy Spirit, that works in her without measure, it is right to remind myself an incident that has exposed my own spiritual littleness and every day she reveals it to me.
Way back in January of 1980 we were in a church. We had invited the young. These in their turn had invited others. It was a meeting of approach to the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
A non believing girl came to me to ask me the foundation of my faith in Jesus Christ and in the Church. I started to give her a, wonderful to me, lesson of fundamental theology, I spoke to her of the signs of credibility and of other things that I thought were vital to open her heart to the faith. However, in front of me there was a wall. My words left her numb. To every sentence she answered with a thousand objections and a thousand other difficulties to make her believe.
I felt lost and in my heart I cried: “Lord, you see, I cannot open this heart to the faith. I have neither your grace and nor your truth. I speak of theology, her heart wants something that I do not have and think I can never have. If you came, in a moment she would open to your truth, like all the people you met along your way when you were on our earth.”
I had not yet finished my prayer, when behind me I see the Inspirer – Founder of the Apostolic Movement that says to me, “Do not worry.”
Then she looks at that person. The Holy Spirit that was in her penetrates her heart and immediately she bursts into tears of purification.
It seemed to me I was attending the meeting of the Virgin Mary with her cousin Elizabeth. One word and that heart had become of flesh.
We can describe the work of the Apostolic Movement through two events that we find in the second chapter of the Acts of the Apostles. Peter speaks and the hearts are touched, stung, transfixed by the Holy Spirit: “Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart, and they asked Peter and the other apostles, “What are we to do, my brothers?” Peter (said) to them, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the holy Spirit. For the promise is made to you and to your children and to all those far off, whomever the Lord our God will call'” (Acts 2.37 to 39).
The conversion must be accompanied with an intense community life: “They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to the communal life, to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers” (Acts 2:42). Diligence in listening to the Word, in the communion or charity, in the attendance to the Eucharist, to the prayer and in particular to the Holy Rosary. This assiduity is the essence and life of the Apostolic Movement. The assiduity is for all days of the year, always. This intense daily sowing produces true fruits of spiritual growth.
That is how the Apostolic Movement lives the issue of education in the contemporary world. It all starts with the gift of the Word: “The world has forgotten the Word of My Son Jesus. Do you want to remind it?” – the Virgin Mary, Mother of the Redemption says. “Yes,” the member of the Apostolic Movement answers every day and in this answer is the way for the resurrection of the world and of history.
This is the work of the Apostolic Movement, constant and uninterrupted, continuous and persistent: Forming the trinity in the hearts: with the grace of Christ, in the love of the Father, through the truth of the Holy Spirit, through the credibility of faith and love of the human instrument, that is every disciple of Jesus.
I greet all of you, present here, and I wish I could call all of your names, for the love you have shown for the Apostolic Movement. May the Lord bless and reward your sacrifice.
I greet the Inspirer – Founder, Mrs. Maria Marino; the strength of her love, the certainty of her faith, the hope that drives her to burn down for the mission that has been entrusted to her attract many hearts to Christ, in His Church, for a journey of greater and perfect conformity to Lord Jesus.
I greet the President of the Apostolic Movement, Mrs. Concetta Marraffa, the youth of her heart, the vivacity of her spirit, the genius of her art, the novelty of her insights, enlivened by her love for the evangelizing mission, placed entirely at the disposal of the Church; are a true way of conversion to Christ Jesus, according to his Gospel, of many young people in an ecclesial path of commitment in the work of awakening and maturation of the faith in the hearts of many.
I greet His Most Reverend Excellency Msgr. Antonio Ciliberti. Your presence among us is a guarantee of sound ecclesiology, testimony of truth and certainty that we are not working in vain. May the Lord help and comfort you with every gift of grace.
To you, Your Most Reverend Excellency, Msgr. Mario Toso, who wanted to share with us, as lead author, this moment of encounter and reflection, goes the thanks of all the Apostolic Movement.
I witness to you what I have heard and seen in almost 31 years of life in the Apostolic Movement. Its origin is not human. The gospel, the faith, the charity, the hope and the Holy Spirit that are in Christ Jesus and his Church Have been placed in our hands and in our hearts, so that they are given to the whole world.
It is a never ending mission. It was delivered to frail, weak, small, insignificant persons. Behind it there is the power of the Holy Spirit that drives and attracts, seduces and conquers.
What so far has been done was possible only through the work of God and we thank Him for ever and ever.
Your Most Reverend Excellency, after this evening, have an addition certainty in your heart: The Apostolic Movement is a gift of God to the world and the Church; a gift still entirely to be lived, a still packaged, wrapped gift, tightly bound and sealed with molten lead.
Tomorrow, when the Lord wills it, it will be revealed in its full light, in its heavenly charity, because it is the work today of Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Angels and the Saints in among us. We are not worth anything. They, Heaven, are all for us and in us.
The Holy Father, Benedict XVI, confessed by us live Rock on which Christ Jesus builds his Church down the centuries, our love, devotion, filial obedience and uninterrupted prayer so that the Lord assists him with every gift of grace and truth and keeps him in his heart.
Today, it is possible to love, to believe and to hope only from the heart of Christ and from his pierced side. It is from this heart, which has become the heart of the Church, heart of each of his disciples, that it is possible to give the right solution to the training issue that towers over us and that cannot be postponed.
My thanks and that of the Apostolic Movement to all for the joyful and enriching presence, the result of a great sacrifice and an irrepressible love.
Thank you.

Rome November 24, 2010

The Central Ecclesiastical Assistant of the Apostolic Movement
Monsignor Costantino Di Bruno