Metropolitan Archbishop of Catanzaro – Squillace

Archbishop of Rossano – Cariati
(Catanzaro: Politeama Theatre -13 March 2007)


Most Reverend Excellencies, most dear member friends of the Apostolic Movement, all of you convened, I extend my cordial welcome on this first day of the second National Convention of the Apostolic Movement.
Just over four months ago the IV National Congress of the Italian Church in Verona was concluded. We were particularly impressed and strengthened by the words that the Holy Father, Benedict XVI spoke in his address to the participants at the congress: “Our vocation and our Christian duty consist in cooperating so that what the Holy Spirit accomplishes in us with Baptism reaches an effective fulfillment in the daily reality of our lives.”

Excellencies, the Apostolic Movement, founded in Catanzaro November 3, 1979 through the Inspirer-Founder Mrs. Maria Marino, as a living part of the ecclesial family is inserted fully and effectively in this dimension of testimony of the baptismal commitments. For nearly thirty years with its charisma of announcement and remembrance of the word of Jesus, in communion with the other sons of the Church, cooperates and helps the society of men find that joy and hope which the heart yearns for, and which only the word and grace of Jesus Christ can give.
Our holy faith that you Shepherds teach us in the name and authority of Christ the Lord; gives us the certainty that we are not alone in this journey. The heart of our heavenly Father, the grace and truth of Jesus the Lord, the prayer and solicitousness of the Virgin Mary and all of heaven; are to us a reason and strength to make present in the everyday life, Jesus Christ, hope of the world.
To You, Excellency Monsignor Antonio Ciliberti, our heartfelt thanks for the support and encouragement that you manifest us. Your relevant and meaningful presence in our assemblies confirms us in the bond of love and of the ecclesial communion. May you always bless us and enlighten us with your discernment.
To You, Excellency Monsignor Santo Marciano our esteem and our filial affection in Christ Jesus. On last March 4, on the occasion of the opening of the catechesis in you Archdiocese, addressed to us words of encouragement and appreciation, stating that you sees a genuine reality in the Apostolic Movement, which bodes well for the desire it has to deepen that faith. Thanks Excellency.
Civil and military authorities, reverend priests, religious and consecrated lay persons, representatives of associations, groups and ecclesial movements, which have taken part in our second meeting; the heartfelt thanks of the Inspirer-Founder, of the Executive and of all the Apostolic Movement are joined to mine.

We entrust Your Persons to the prayers of the Mother of the Redemption, the Angels and Saints. May they intercede with Christ the Lord, so that He, giver of all grace, may fill your Episcopate with every heavenly blessing.

Catanzaro, March 13, 2007

Cettina Marraffa
President of the Apostolic Movement