Secretary of the Congregation for the Clergy
    (Catanzaro, Politeama Theatre, September 27, 2008, 17:00)

Your Excellency,
Every celebration of a national convention of the Apostolic Movement is a special heavenly grace. This year, the Lord wanted to add grace upon grace, by reason of your presence, that I see and accept as a most pure gift of God for us all.
This our third convention is deepening, study, reflection, updating on the Encyclical “Spe Salvi,” of the Holy Father Benedict XVI, Shepherd of the whole Church. To him, who is in our hearts, we wish to express our thanks and our filial gratitude. To him, who makes us one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church, Church of Lord Jesus, goes all our obedience.
The theme Your Excellency will dwell on with us: “The Ecclesial Movements and the service of hope”: The only faith and charity of the Church makes us servants of the only true hope,” leads us to the heart of the life and mission of the Church. The Church exists to bring into the heart of every man the hope that does not disappoint.
Concretely, She lives out her mission through each of the members of her body. Inside of the only Body of Christ, working in the Church, for the Church and with the Church, the Apostolic Movement makes itself daily servant of the only real hope, which is the one brought into the world by Jesus the Lord.
The paths of the Apostolic Movement are numerous. Here are some of them:
The remembrance and the proclamation of the Word that makes itself constant, systematic and permanent catechesis. Giving the light of faith to a heart is true liberation from the darkness of error and evil. Enlightening consciences, purifying reason, nourishing the intelligence with the truth of faith is the mission that renews the hearts and elevates them to God.
The testimony of a life in conformity with the truth of the Gospel according to the faith of the Church, letting us be helped and supported by assiduous, personal and community prayer, by the Eucharist celebrated and lived to be conformed to Christ the Lord, by the Sacrament of Penance lived with true spirit of conversion , by the Holy Rosary recited with faith, devotion, love for the Virgin Mary, Mother of the Redemption.
The corporal and spiritual works of mercy, carried out evangelically, that is in great silence, without the right to know what the left is doing. Freeing man from a multiple poverty, including physical and spiritual solitude, is manifesting the concreteness of hope. We are not alone. We are with others. We are one body, one life.
The animation of the Parishes, working not beside them, but in them, with them and for them.
The ordering of the temporal realities to the common good according to the social doctrine of the Church.
The harmonious growth of each one of its Adhering Members in wisdom, grace, skill, responsibility, loyalty, charity, humility and all other virtues.
The personal conformation to Crucified Christ which becomes forgiveness, compassion, atonement, offer of the personal life for the redemption of the world.
The fruiting of the personal charisma, placed in the service of man, for its growth in the soul, spirit and body.
Participation in the corporal and spiritual works of charity of the very parish and diocesan communities.
Your Excellency, I certify to you that this is the work of the Apostolic Movement. Every day, we are committed to grow In it.
I greet and thank for their participation: The Most Excellent Bishops, the Priests, deacons, Religious people: man and women, the Consecrated Lay Women, Civil and Military authorities of every order and level.
I greet and thank the President of the Apostolic Movement, who created so much hope in the hearts of the youth.
I greet and thank the Inspirer – Founder of the Apostolic Movement. I can testify with infinite certainty that she has always given the Church every soul awakened by her to the faith, love and hope.
I greet and thank in a special way his Most Reverend Excellency Monsignor Antonio Ciliberti who wanted to give us the gift of his presence as speaker and seal of ecclesial truth of this our third National Convention.
Your Most Reverend Excellency Monsignor Mauro Piacenza, I am asking you a great favour: bring our best wishes to H. Most Reverend Eminence Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone. Tell him that our good wishes for his person are immense. Tell him to greet for us His Holiness, Our Pope Benedict XVI and ask of him a special blessing for us all. Tell him that the Church is in our hearts.
To all of you who wanted to participate in this our Convention.

Monsignor Costantino Di Bruno
Central Ecclesiastical Assistant of the Apostolic Movement