(Catanzaro, Politeama Theatre, May 10, 2006)
Your Most Reverend Excellency,
“Ecclesial movements and new evangelization in the Diocesan Pastoral” is the theme that you, as a Metropolitan Bishop and Shepherd of this Archdiocese of Catanzaro – Squillace; will deal with tonight, formally opening the work of our First Plenary Meeting in preparation for the IV National Convention of the Italian Church – “Witnesses of the Risen Jesus, Hope of the world” – to be held in Verona 16-20 of next October
A movement is ecclesial, if it has as a purpose – according to the methods, forms, ways, own structures, specific places – the gift of the truth and grace that are in Christ Jesus, which the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church is the administrator of.
Excellency, the Apostolic Movement, founded in this very Church of which you are currently the Shepherd; 3 November 1979 through Mrs. Maria Marino, a humble woman, full of faith and inspired wisdom; has as its mission, and particular objective the remembrance and the announcement of the Gospel.
The New Evangelization asks us to remind and announce the Gospel to every man speaking to his heart, translating into his own language, the only truth of Jesus Christ; however, without ever betraying, diminishing, reviling, and dodging it, making it without any real content of salvation.
What is the most beautiful form of telling the truth if not the one of charity, love, simplicity, corroborated by the testimony of the life that becomes credible?
With this power of saying and doing, announcing and realizing, reminding and living the Word of Jesus, the Inspirer of the Apostolic Movement has worked in the pastoral of the diocese a real, genuine, serious reawakening of consciences for their conversion and for the faith in the Gospel. At the center of her evangelizing mission Jesus and the Virgin Mary, the Word of the Gospel and the Eucharist, the Church and the World to be attracted to Christ in His Church; reign.
Every Adherent carries out the mission to bring every man back to the House of the Father, where he is satiated with the Body of Christ, quenched with His Blood, purified and strengthened by the other sacraments, formed in the right faith by the Shepherds of the Church; so that he becomes a Witness of the Charity of Lord Jesus, in the world.
To all of you who wanted to participate in this meeting: Excellencies the Bishops, Reverend Priests, Deacons, male and female Religious Persons, Consecrated Lay Women, holy people of God, Civil and Military Authorities, a cordial greeting.
For you, Your Excellency, who have been invested in the honor of opening with solemnity our First National Convention, the prayer of us all to the Virgin Mary, Mother of Redemption, to obtain from the Holy Spirit every heavenly grace in order to lead according to the Will of Jesus Christ the Flock that was entrusted to your care as Shepherd, Successor of the Apostles, and Keeper of the souls of the Lord’s Flock.
Catanzaro May 10, 2006
Monsignor Costantino Di Bruno
Central Ecclesiastical Assistant of the Apostolic Movement