
Formation is one of the pillars of the spirituality of the Apostolic Movement. The Gospel can be announced and remembered, insofar as it is known by the one who is called to announce it and to remember it. However, a literal knowledge of the Word is not sufficient. It must be known according to the faith of the Church, founded on Peter, and lead to life according to the Spirit, to charity.

The catecheses and all the formative activities offered by the Movement are aimed at this knowledge, ordered to the evangelizing mission, according to an expression dear to the inspirer-founder, Maria Marino: “Educate yourself to instruct” in the Word of Jesus. The work also includes all the catechetical, written and multimedia aids collected in this section, accompanied by a selection of documents from the ecclesiastical Magisterium.

The weekly

commento al vangelo

Gospel of the day

Catechetical theological aids

Food for thought