For surely the hand of the Lord was with him 24 JUNE (Lk 1,57-66.80) Any event that falls under our eyes must always be seen with the eyes of God, understood with
Remove the wooden beam from your eye first 23 JUNE (Mt 7,1-5) Fraternal correction is a must for every Christian. However, it must always be made from the highest charity, mercy, pity, compassion and
Whoever eats this bread will live forever 22 JUNE (Jn 6,51-58) The reality of man is one: he is in death. This is his historical truth. He is in death because he
Look at the birds in the sky 21 JUNE (Mt 6,24-34) The Gospel is made of clear rules and hidden rules. The hidden rules are the ones that give effect to the clear rules.
Where your treasure is, there also will your heart be 20 JUNE (Mt 6,19-23) In this day, we can understand what the Lord reveals us through his word, if we
Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors 19 JUNE (Mt 6,7-15) The law of forgiveness that God has written for men deserves to be taken seriously by us. God knows
Anoint your head and wash your face 18 JUNE (Mt 6,1-6.16-18) Jesus asks his disciples to live their every relationship with a new principle: everything realized, accomplished, performed and done by them
Be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect 17 JUNE (Mt 5,43-48) Holy Scripture does not have a metaphysical language on God. Metaphysics belongs to the structure of Greek thought. Instead, the language
Do not turn your back on one who wants to borrow 16 JUNE (Mt 5,38-42) The Christian is called to be the perfect picture on earth, full of exemplariness of Lord Jesus,
Whoever believes in him will not be condemned 15 JUNE (Jn 3,16-18) The Word of Jesus does not allow misunderstandings, disputes, other interpretations and the result of human philosophies and theologies, to