There is no need for them to go away; give them some food yourselves 3 AUGUST (Mt 14,13-21) When Jesus speaks, his words are loaded with a command that applies to the
He feared the people, for they regarded him as a prophet 2 AUGUST (Mt 14,1-12) No power is greater than that of the crowd. The power of the individual can be governed,
Is he not the carpenter’s son? 1 AUGUST (Mt 13,54-58) Every man, called and sent to do the things concerning God on our earth, is very in all similar to a mere clay pot.
The kingdom of heaven is like a net thrown into the sea, which collects fish of every kind 31 JULY (Mt 13,47-53) The words of Jesus are eternal, divine and supernatural light.
The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant 30 JULY (Mt 13,44-46) A passage from the Book of Sirach on man, certainly will help us understand the two parables told by Jesus
Martha, burdened with much serving 29 JULY (Lk 10,38-42) A man is perpetually assailed by things. This is not a matter in any case of a momentary assault. It is perennial, moment
It is the smallest of all the seeds 28 JULY (Mt 13,31-35) Since Satan has injected into the human heart the poison of pride, a mismatch and a reversal have occurred that
Do you understand all these things? 27 JULY (Mt 13,44-52) Understanding every word of God in its truth opens the heart to an even bigger, stronger, higher, more global and more holy
An enemy has done this 26 JULY (Mt 13,24-30) The parable of the tares is the masterpiece of divine wisdom. This, in a nutshell essential, describes the entire life of the kingdom of God on earth.
The Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve 25 JULY (Mt 20,20-28) The intrigues of the court and of the palace were well known in antiquity. A