vangelo del giorno

As they were going they were cleansed

As they were going they were cleansed 12 NOVEMBER (Lk 17,11-19) The miracles of Jesus manifest something surprisingly new. Some of them do not occur instantly. They are accomplished along a route, on the way.This is what happens at the Cana wedding. The

vangelo del giorno

When you have done all you have been commanded

When you have done all you have been commanded 11 NOVEMBER (Lk 17,7-10) We will understand the Gospel passage placed today for our reflection, if we let ourselves be helped by the revelation that is offered us by the Apostle Paul. Now in regard to spiritual

vangelo del giorno

Be on your guard!

Be on your guard! 10 NOVEMBER (Lk 17,1-6) In the Old Testament who is attentive to himself, who lives with straight pure, gentle conscience, who leads a life perpetually turned to the right isJob. But what is man’s lot from God above, his inheritance from

vangelo del giorno

And stop making my Father’s house a marketplace

And stop making my Father’s house a marketplace 9 NOVEMBER (Jn 2,13-22) The cleansing of the temple of the Lord was always the work of the true prophets. The falsity of worship betrays the wickedness of the heart, the lieof the mind and the impurity of

vangelo del giorno

You cannot serve God and mammon

You cannot serve God and mammon 8 NOVEMBER (Lk 16,9-15) True religion always walks between fidelity and infidelity, true worship and impiety, worship to God and superstition, idolatry and latria. Famous isthe reference made by the prophet Elijah to the people of the Lord that was jumping from side to

vangelo del giorno

Pharisees and scribes began to complain

Pharisees and scribes began to complain 6 NOVEMBER (Lk 15,1-10) In the Old Testament our God had manifested that He does not rejoice in the death of anyone. The sinner die for his sin, but He does not delight inthis death. You say,

vangelo del giorno

When you hold a lunch or a dinner

When you hold a lunch or a dinner 3 NOVEMBER (Lk 14,12-14) In the Old Testament, the privileged love of the Heavenly Father for the poor of the earth always appears. He wants the perfect law of communion, sharing