vangelo del giorno

Son of David, have pity on us!

Son of David, have pity on us! Is 29,17-24; Ps 26,1.4.13-14; Mt 9,27-31. 7 DECEMBER Jesus came to free man from the condition of total blindness in which he lives. The sons of Abraham

vangelo del giorno

To stand before the Son of Man

To stand before the Son of Man Jer 33,14-16; Ps 24,4-5.8-10.14; 1 Ts 3,12-4,2; Lk 21,25-28.34-36. 2 DECEMBER At one time, when talking about hell, it was taught that the pain that gives

vangelo del giorno


BY YOUR PERSEVERANCE Rev 15,1-4; Ps 97; Lk 21,12-19 28 NOVEMBER Perseverance is in faith. Faith is obedience to every Word that has come out and comes out of the mouth of God.