vangelo del giorno

Remembering his mercy

Remembering his mercy 1 Sam 1,24-28; Ps 1 Sam 2,1.4-8; Lk 1,46-55 22 DECEMBER Let us ask ourselves: why does the Virgin Mary speak with such great wisdom of God, while today we

vangelo del giorno

The infant leaped in her womb

The infant leaped in her womb Ct 2,8-14; or: Soph 3,14-17; Ps 32,2-3.11-12.20-21; Lk 1,39-45 21 DECEMBER Those who reflect on the mystery of the Mother of the Lord will receive a powerful

vangelo del giorno

And both were advanced in years

And both were advanced in years Jdg 13,2-7.24-25a; Ps 70,3-6.16-17; Lk 1,5-25. 19 DECEMBER Is the perfect knowledge of the history of salvation sufficient to welcome the Word that today the Lord addresses