How many loaves do you have?

How many loaves do you have? Gen 3,9-24; Ps 89; Mk 8,1-10 16 FEBRUARY The Lord wants to satisfy the world’s hunger by feeding it on him. He cannot. He is the eternal and

He has done all things well

He has done all things well Gen Gen 3,1-8; Ps 31; Mk 7,31-37 15 FEBRUARY What is confessed on Jesus – he has done everything well: he makes the deaf hear and the dumb speak

And you do many such things

And you do many such things Gen 1,20-2,4a; Ps 8; Mk 7,1-13 12 FEBRUARY If the Lord condemns the solemn worship that is celebrated in his holy temple, because it is not the

Wherever they heard he was

Wherever they heard he was Gn 1,1-19; Ps 103; Mk 6,53-56 11 FEBRUARY The crowd is urged to look for every person capable of solving its physical, material and bodily problems. It is

They preached repentance

They preached repentance Heb 12,18-19.21-24; Ps 47; Mk 6,7-13 7 FEBRUARY Conversion is a perennial change, an uninterrupted journey of every man towards the full light of the mystery of the Father, of

And they took offense at him

And they took offense at him Heb 12,4-7.11-15; Ps 102; Mk 6,1-6 6 FEBRUARY There is a scandal that arises from our sin or that of others and from these scandals we must strictly