O faithless generation

O faithless generation Sir 1,1-10; Ps 92; Mk 9,14-29 25 FEBRUARY The cry of Jesus: “O generation in disbelief! How long will I be with you? How long do I have to bear you”,

Get behind me, Satan

Get behind me, Satan Gn 9,1-13; Ps 101; Mk 8,27-33 21 FEBRUARY The temptation to take God’s place comes many times and in different ways. Indeed it follows every man as the shadow

«Blessed are you who are poor»

«Blessed are you who are poor» Jer 17,5-8; Ps 1; 1Cor 15,12.16-20; Lk 6,17.20-26 17 FEBRUARY Saint Paul, wishing to exhort the Corinthians to be generous in their charity towards their brothers in Judea