vangelo del giorno

Who then can be saved?

Who then can be saved? Jdg 6,11-24a; Ps 84; Mt 19,23-30 20 AUGUST After the rich man has gone, Jesus tells his disciples: “Truly, I say to you, a rich man will hardly enter

vangelo del giorno

If you wish to be perfect

If you wish to be perfect Jdg 2,11-19; Ps 105: Mt 19.16-22 19 AUGUST Jesus came to fulfil all the Law and the Prophets. The first fulfilment is moral. The justice of the scribes and the

vangelo del giorno

Not all can accept [this] word

Not all can accept [this] word Gs 24,1-13; Ps 135; Mt 19,3-12 16 AUGUST In our faith we often witness two parallel paths. On the one hand we have the Scripture, or Word of God, plain,

vangelo del giorno

Blessed are you who believed

Blessed are you who believed Rev 11,19a; 12,1-6a.1oab; Ps 44; 1 Cor 15,20-26; Lk 1,39-56 15 AUGUST The Virgin Mary believed more than Abraham, more than Isaac and Jacob, more than Moses and Joshua,