vangelo del giorno

But woe to you who are rich

But woe to you who are rich Col 3,1-11; Ps 144; Lk 6,20-26 11 SEPTEMBER The Woe in Scripture is a very strong invitation to conversion. If you do not re-enter the will of God,

vangelo del giorno

But he realized their intentions

But he realized their intentions Col 1,24-2,3; Ps 61; Lk 6,6-11 9 SEPTEMBER Jesus is perennially under the tent of light of the Holy Spirit. He knows what is in every heart and according to this

vangelo del giorno

Cannot be my disciple

Cannot be my disciple Wis 9,13-19; Ps 89; Fm 9b-10.12-17; Lk 14,25-33 8 SEPTEMBER To understand what Jesus teaches today about the needs concerning his sequel, we will let ourselves be helped by the discourse of