So that those who enter may see the light Esr 1,1-6; Ps 125; Lk 8,16-18 23 SEPTEMBER The Christian is the light of Christ Jesus in the world in the same way that
The master commended that dishonest steward Am 8,4-7; Ps 112; 1 Tm 2,1-8; Lk 16,1-13 22 SEPTEMBER Life is a present in which the future is being prepared, it is time that must
Sat with Jesus and his disciples Eph 4,1-7.11-13; Ps 18; Mt 9,9-13 21 SEPTEMBER Jesus is the Suffering Servant of Isaiah. He came to take upon himself all the sins of the world and
Preaching and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom 1Tm 6,2c-12; Ps 48; Lk 8,1-3 20 SEPTEMBER The mission of Jesus consisted of four essential actions: travelling, teaching, announcing and healing. He travelled the region,
A sinful woman in the city 1Tm 4,12-16; Ps 11 0; Lk 7,36-50 19 SEPTEMBER In order for the Holy Spirit to be able to save a soul, he always needs another soul
We played the flute for you, but you did not dance 1 Tm 3,14-16; Ps 110; Lk 7,31-35 18 SEPTEMBER The evils that attack the soul and the spirit of man when he
Young man, I tell you, arise! 1Tm 3,1-13; Ps 100; Lk 7,11-17 17 SEPTEMBER Take a large-sized nail and pull it to the fire. You cannot pierce a thick wood with it. It
For he loves our nation 1 Tm 2,1-8; Ps 27; Lk 7,1-10 16 SEPTEMBER In Scripture the first man who prayed to the Lord, putting forward the reasons for his request, is Abraham.
His father came out and pleaded with him Ex 32,7-11.13-14; Ps 50; 1Tm 1,12-17; Lk 15,1-32 15 SEPTEMBER In our most holy faith the Father is the only one that wants reconciliation with him and
That the world might be saved through him Nm 21,4b-9 opp. Phil 2,6-11; Ps 77; Jn 3,13-17 14 SEPTEMBER The truth is in differences. If differences escape us, even the truth escapes us