Full of grace and truth

Full of grace and truth TUESDAY 31 DECEMBER (Jn 1,1-18) The Prologue of the Gospel according to John is the seal of the Holy Spirit to the truth of Christ Jesus: the

He shall be called a Nazorean

He shall be called a Nazorean SUNDAY 29 DECEMBER (Mt 2,13-15.19-23) When a prophecy is fulfilled, all the meaning or truth contained in the prophecy is fulfilled. If Jesus is the shoot

Rachel weeping for her children

Rachel weeping for her children SATURDAY 28 DECEMBER (Mt 2,13-18) Rachel is the image of Jerusalem. She cries because some among her sons died by the sword, others from hunger, others from

And he saw and believed

And he saw and believed FRIDAY 27 DECEMBER (Jn 20,2-8) Jesus not only speaks to us about the Father, but also shows him to us through his life. Each of his works