vangelo del giorno

This generation seeks a sign

 This generation seeks a sign 14 OCTOBER (Lk 11,29-32) Jonah is a very singular and unique prophet in the history of Israel. His so great faith in the power of salvation of

vangelo del giorno

Ask and you will receive

 Ask and you will receive 10 OCTOBER (Lk 11,5-13) In ancient times, the Holy Spirit is given in a very partial, as the Spirit of prophecy, but only on a few men.

vangelo del giorno

There is need of only one thing

There is need of only one thing 7 OCTOBER (Lk 10,38-42) The true wisdom of men is that of conquering empires that eventually fade away. It is not  even the one of submerging in the things of this worlduntil becoming slaves to them. Today there is