vangelo del giorno

Rachel weeping for her children

 Rachel weeping for her children 28 DECEMBER (Mt 2,13-18) The cruelty of man is the result of his foolishness. Foolishness is the fruit of idolatry. Idolatry is the result of the abandonment

vangelo del giorno

And the Word became flesh

 And the Word became flesh 25 DECEMBER (Jn 1,1-18) With divine and eternal revealed wisdom the Apostle John puts every man before the true mystery of Christ Jesus. John had contemplated Jesus

vangelo del giorno

What, then, will this child be?

 What, then, will this child be? 23 DECEMBER (Lk 1,57-66) Meditating these days on the mystery of Christmas, the infinite greatness of the mercy of God, his eternal patience, his love that