vangelo del giorno

But that we may not offend them

But that we may not offend them 11 AUGUST (Mt 17,22-27) The scandal is an evil that quietly pollutes the heart and spirit. The early church felt as vital the need to avoid both the heavy scandal, the one made of grave immorality and the so-called scandal of the pusilla, that is, of the small ones. With

vangelo del giorno

Whoever wishes to come after me

Whoever wishes to come after me 8 AUGUST (Mt 16,24-28) All religions of this world, all philosophies, anthropologies, psychologies, sciences, technologies, arts, techniques, spiritual strategies and everything else that come from men

vangelo del giorno

Upon this rock I will build my church

Upon this rock I will build my church 7 AUGUST (Mt 16,13-23) The heart of a man should always rejoice in an uncontrollable awe before the works of the Lord. Our spirit should be worshiping, blessing, in perpetual attitude of praise and thanksgiving. We should enjoy the same wonder experienced by Sirach: Now