vangelo del giorno

And the crowds were amazed

And the crowds were amazed 10 OCTOBER (Lk 11,15-26) Darkness always hates the light. Where there is light there is no place for darkness. In the world, it is necessary that they declare war to light and make it disappear for them to continue on reigning. How? By removing its bearers. This

vangelo del giorno

He will get up because of his persistence

He will get up because of his persistence 9 OCTOBER (Lk 11,5-13) Our life is entirely from God. It is from Him in the present and in the future, in time and eternity. It is a life that must constantly be asked. Prayer must scan all the rhythms of our daily existence. One

vangelo del giorno

Lord, teach us to pray

Lord, teach us to pray 8 OCTOBER (Lk 11,1-4) The man is poor, rather devoid of everything. His life is from the others, it is wholly from the Other, that is, from God, from his Lord and Creator,from his Redeemer and Saviour, from his Inspirer and Sanctifier. Man is not life, he is not a source of life, he has not in himself the roots of

vangelo del giorno

And who is my neighbour?

And who is my neighbour? 6 OCTOBER (Lk 10,25-37) It is vital to know who “my neighbour“ is. Not so much for the sake of pure humanism and neither of petty, sterile and interested philanthropy. Butbecause he is the only key placed in our hands to open the door to Paradise and enjoy a blessed eternity, in the immortal life in

vangelo del giorno

He will lease his vineyard to other tenants

He will lease his vineyard to other tenants 5 OCTOBER (Mt 21,33-43) The life of every man is the vineyard that God entrusted us so that we produce for Him the fruits of righteousness and truth, love and great piety,mercy, compassion and true peace. God’s vineyard is also the Lord’s

vangelo del giorno

And whoever rejects me rejects the one who sent me

And whoever rejects me rejects the one who sent me 3 OCTOBER (Lk 10,13-16) The gift of God, every gift of God, must produce fruits of eternal life. This law applies to both material and spiritual gifts. If the earth produces, its fruit, whether in large quantity or

vangelo del giorno

Unless you turn and become like children

Unless you turn and become like children 2 OCTOBER (Mt 18,1-5.10) We can describe the conversion by using some images. In our chest there is a heart of stone, unable to feel like Christ the Lord. It is urgent to ask the Holy Spirit to come, intervene, put in

vangelo del giorno

But you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God

But you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God 1 OCTOBER (Lk 9,57-62) Jesus does not write a treatise on the demands of discipleship. In three very small sentences he encloses all volumes that have been written orwill be written on the Gospel missionary and his