Concluding remarks of His Excellency Monsignor Antonio Ciliberti Day 3 – 27/09/2008 Gladly I take the floor briefly, at the end of this luminous evening, because I feel putting together the feelings
Most Rev. Exc. Monsignor MAURO PIACENZA Titular Archbishop of Victoriana Secretary of the Congregation for the Clergy THE ONLY FAITH AND CHARITY OF THE CHURCH MAKES US SERVANTS OF THE REAL HOPE Excellency, Dear Brothers in
E. MOST REVEREND MSGR. MAURO PIACENZA Secretary of the Congregation for the Clergy (Catanzaro, Politeama Theatre, September 27, 2008, 17:00) Your Excellency, Every celebration of a national convention of the Apostolic Movement is
Greetings from the PRESIDENT OF THE APOSTOLIC MOVEMENT to Speaker HIS MOST REVEREND EXC. MONS. MAURO PIACENZA Titular Archbishop of Victoriana SECRETARY OF THE CONGREGATION FOR THE CLERGY Your Excellency, with great joy, combined
GREETING E. M.REV. MSGR. SALVATORE NUNNARI METROPOLITAN ARCHBISHOP OF COSENZA-BISIGNANO) (Catanzaro, Politeama Theatre, 26 September 2008, 17.00) Your Excellency, The Apostolic Movement welcomes with joy Your Person and gives you a warm greeting. Your presence
Exc. M. Rev. Monsignor SALVATORE NUNNARI Metropolitan Archbishop of Cosenza-Bisignano Hope the door of the church Nature of Hope I want to start this conversation with some literary suggestions of very great evocative power. “Where
Greetings from the PRESIDENT OF THE APOSTOLIC MOVEMENT to the Speaker HIS EXC. MOST REV. MONSIGNOR SALVATORE NUNNARI Metropolitan Archbishop of Cosenza-Bisignano (Catanzaro: Politeama Theatre -26 September 2008) Your Excellency, on behalf of myself,
Acts of the Third Convention During the celebration of the CONVENTION Catanzaro, 25.26.27 September, 2008, Politeama Theatre Thursday 25, 5p.m.. The hope that springs from the Gospel” Greetings: Cettina Marraffa President of the Apostolic Movement Introduction: Monsignor
Speech by His Excellency Monsignor Antonio Ciliberti Day 1 – 25/09/2008 Dear friends, with great joy, I greet you all in the Lord, on this day so holy and true, in which the
A GREETING TO H. E. MOST REV. MGSR. ANTONIO CILIBERTI METROPOLITAN ARCHBISHOP OF CATANZARO – SQUILLACE (Catanzaro, Politeama Theatre, 25 September 2008, 5 p.m.) Your Excellency, To you, Shepherd of the Church, in which the
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