vangelo del giorno

But woe to you who are rich

Col 3,1-11; Ps 144; Lk 6,20-26

The Woe in Scripture is a very strong invitation to conversion. If you do not re-enter the will of God, into his Law, truth, justice, mercy, love and holiness, trouble will turn into trouble in time, you are out of God’s blessing, and at death in eternal trouble, that is in perdition, curse and condemnation to hell’s fire forever.

Woe to you who join house to house, who connect field with field, Till no room remains, and you are left to dwell alone in the midst of the land! (Is 5, 8). Woe to those who demand strong drink as soon as they rise in the morning, And linger into the night while wine inflames them! (Is 5, 11). Woe to those who tug at guilt with cords of perversity, and at sin as if with cart ropes! (Is 5, 18). Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil, who change darkness into light, and light into darkness, who change bitter into sweet, and sweet into bitter! (Is 5, 20). Woe to those who are wise in their own sight, and prudent in their own esteem! (Is 5, 21). Woe to the champions at drinking wine, the valiant at mixing strong drink! (Is 5, 22). Woe to those who enact unjust statutes and who write oppressive decrees (Is 10, 1). Woe to the rebellious children, says the Lord, Who carry out plans that are not mine, who weave webs that are not inspired by me, adding sin upon sin (Is 30, 1). Shall not all these take up a taunt against him, satire and epigrams about him, to say: Woe to him who stores up what is not his: how long can it last! he loads himself down with debts (Hab 2, 6). Woe to him who pursues evil gain for his household, setting his nest on high to escape the reach of misfortune! (Hab 2, 9). Woe to him who builds a city by bloodshed, and establishes a town by wickedness! (Hab 2, 12). Woe to you who give your neighbours a flood of your wrath to drink, and make them drunk, till their nakedness is seen! (Hab 2, 15). Woe to him who says to wood, “Awake!” to dumb stone, “Arise!” Can such a thing give oracles? See, it is overlaid with gold and silver, but there is no life breath in it (Hab 2, 19).

When the Lord pronounces his woe, immediate conversion is urgently needed. Without conversion he cannot bestow his grace, his truth, his Holy Spirit and his beatitude and man walks towards eternal death. The trouble told to those who are rich and full and joyful is in sight of eternal salvation that is strongly endangered. Never must it be seen concerning the poor. For the poor, the hungry and those who are in tears, the Heavenly Father takes care of them. If they remain in the Word, the Father will be their Providence and will give everything in abundance. The Gospel is not socialism.

And raising his eyes toward his disciples he said: “Blessed are you who are poor, for the kingdom of God is yours. Blessed are you who are now hungry, for you will be satisfied. Blessed are you who are now weeping, for you will laugh. Blessed are you when people hate you, and when they exclude and insult you, and denounce your name as evil on account of the Son of Man. Rejoice and leap for joy on that day! Behold, your reward will be great in heaven. For their ancestors treated the prophets in the same way. But woe to you who are rich, for you have received your consolation. But woe to you who are filled now, for you will be hungry. Woe to you who laugh now, for you will grieve and weep. Woe to you when all speak well of you, for their ancestors treated the false prophets in this way.

The Gospel is not a treaty of sociability, but it is a supernatural vision of life in every moment of it and in every condition in which it is placed. The rich are not asked to act on behalf of the poor, because the poor are asked to remain poor, even to be poor in spirit. If they are in his Word, the Father will bless them with every blessing. They are in his Word if they are in the Commandments, in the virtues, in the sacraments and in his Church. If they are in vices they are not in the Word, they are outside the law of faith. God might not do anything for them. He might invite them to conversion to be blessed, redeemed and saved by him. Since the rich are unjust about the use of the goods of this world, they are exposed to eternal perdition. If they want to save themselves, they must necessarily enter perfect justice. They must use the goods of the earth as needed for daily subsistence, everything else must be made available to divine Providence. As long as they remain in injustice, there will be no eternal salvation for them and not even blessing either on earth or in eternal centuries. Salvation and blessing are for those stay in the Word. It applies for the poor and it applies for the rich.

Mother of God, Angels and Saints arrange that every man, rich or poor, lives in the Gospel.