vangelo del giorno

Because of this we believe that you came from God

2 JUNE (Jn 16,29-33)

Every disciple of Jesus is obliged to offer to every other man the concrete signs attesting to his inner truth. The whole world needs to know unequivocally that he is from Christ the Lord, from his word, his love, his truth, his life and his omnipotence. Everyone must know that he is from the wisdom, intelligence and light descending in his heart and in his soul from the Only Son of the Father.

This assurance and certainty in faith, in charity, in hope, in the gift of grace and light is a debt contracted before the world. It is to be fulfilled daily, otherwise we are insolvent debtors. We live in a perpetual injustice. We have to pay our debt to the world and we evade it for vice, folly, for lightness an for spiritual neglect. This is the most serious sin of omission. We owe and we do not give. We are committed to Jesus Christ and we turn out to be missing.

This debt with the world is not accidental, it does not consist in offering something that is outside of us, a light drawn from this or that other saint of the past or the present, and not even in giving him a truer and more holy word of the Gospel. These are accidental things. This is not our debt contracted on the day when we chose to be disciples of Jesus. Our debt is more substantial, rather only substantial, physical, spiritual and together moral. We have to give the world a body transformed into light, a spirit made completely truth and a soul modified into sanctity.

We must give the world our whole life Christified, spiritualized, elevated, healed, cured, enlightened and removed entirely from the darkness of vice and the darkness of thought according to the world. This is a continuous work. Every day we must be clothed in light, truth and wisdom. Every day we have to wear the dress of the highest charity and mercy. Every day we have to elevate our soul to the highest echelons of holiness. The Christian will be in perfect justice in regard to the world only if he reaches a sanctity that is real, authentic, which is of full and total conformation to his Master.

However, holiness is not static, conquered once and for all. It is dynamic, always growing, evolving, in march toward Christ the Lord. The Christian is a perennial contemplator of his Master, because he must learn from him all the secrets to be able to elevate himself like him, grow in wisdom and grace before God and men like him. If for a moment he takes his sight away from Jesus and puts it on other things or other people, he instantly signals a failure in his vocation. No one else must be for him a source of truth, a model of holiness and a principle of holy inspiration.

His disciples said, “Now you are talking plainly, and not in any figure of speech. Now we realize that you know everything and that you do not need to have anyone question you. Because of this we believe that you came from God.” Jesus answered them, “Do you believe now? Behold, the hour is coming and has arrived when each of you will be scattered to his own home and you will leave me alone. But I am not alone, because the Father is with me. I have told you this so that you might have peace in me. In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world.”

The Christian must imitate the Lord Jesus in everything. Even if he becomes perfect in charity and truth, even if he becomes true light, never might he think that in the others the true faith immediately turns on. The hearts do not change in an instant. A long intense activity of grace and a powerful work of the Holy Spirit are necessary. To the initial faith immediately succeeds a time of difficult test. In these moments faith could also be lost. However, it has been sown in his heart and with an additional help it might be recovered so that it stabilizes, grows and produces much fruit.

The stabilization of the faith in a heart is a long, very long journey, made ​​of falls and resurrections, many falls and endless resurrections. Nobody must get discouraged, disheartened, depressed and dejected. True faith has this forced path. It is up to the givers of the faith to remain steadfast in their mission.

Virgin Mary, Mother of the Redemption, Angels and Saints make us of pure and holy faith.