vangelo del giorno

Be vigilant at all times and pray

Rev 22,1-7; Ps 94,1-7; Lk 21,34-36.

Holy Scripture and in it the whole Gospel is a perfect harmonic composition of truth. Together they stay and together they fall. When a symphony is played, only one not correctly played note, if it is moved even by half a tone, or only lengthened or shortened, ruins that single passage but then the rest remains symphony. With the Gospel this will not be possible. A single truth is removed and all the divine revelation contained in it is broken. Some examples can help us or facilitate understanding of what we are saying. First Truth: There is no other name under heaven where it is established that we can be saved except in the name of Jesus Christ, the Nazarene. If we affirm that to go to God all the ways are the same, all the other truths of the Gospel fall. What is the sense of keeping the Church standing? What value do the sacraments have in it? What is the use of the whole structure of sacredness and religion? All the ways are good, all give salvation and redemption.

Second truth: Today many assert that Paradise is for everyone and that there is no judgment. If Heaven is for everyone, without judgment, without regard for good and evil, for wickedness and goodness, for sin and for grace, for light and for darkness, what is the good of the Gospel? What is the use of all the severe warnings of Jesus so that we do not end up in that place of eternal perdition which is the loss of God and his joy? Why die martyrs for Christ? Why bind yourself to the observance of the Beatitudes and Commandments? Why undergo each exercise to eliminate vices from our bodies and acquire virtues? Is it still good talking about good, evil, natural law, non-negotiable principles, real rights and false rights? Everyone can live as he pleases, after all in the end we will all be placed in eternal light. A single erased truth and the whole Gospel, all the Scriptures are erased. What profit does it have to follow the rules of the liturgy, if it has no value for eternal life?

“Beware that your hearts do not become drowsy from carousing and drunkenness and the anxieties of daily life, and that day catch you by surprise like a trap. For that day will assault everyone who lives on the face of the earth. Be vigilant at all times and pray that you have the strength to escape the tribulations that are imminent and to stand before the Son of Man.”

Third truth: It is said that between a baptized and an non-baptized it is the same thing. This means to declare null all the sacraments of salvation: confirmation, penance, Eucharist, sacred order, marriage, anointing of the sick. It means that between a pope and a non-pope it is the same thing. So also between a bishop and a non-bishop, a presbyter and a non-presbyter, a confirmed and a non-confirmed, between those who receive the forgiveness of sin and those who do not receive it, between one who is anointed with the oil of the sick to have the strength to live and offer his sickness or suffering and who instead practices euthanasia to get out of pain. If the sacraments are denied, the Church is useless because she is the body of Christ to live the whole mission of Christ. Before denying a truth of Scripture or of the Gospel in particular it is necessary to highlight all the consequences that such a negation generates. Everyone must know that if one truth is denied, the others do not stand up, they are denied with it.

Jesus invites us to be attentive to ourselves, so that our hearts do not become heavy in dissipation, drunkenness and trouble of life and that that day does not come upon us suddenly. Why this severe warning? Because with death judgment comes. Everyone will present himself before the court of Christ Jesus and he will have to give an account of every work done while he was in the body, both for good and for bad. Nothing will remain hidden from what we have done. According to our works we will receive the eternal reward or punishment. If there were no eternal punishment, these words of Jesus would be vain. To nothing would be useful watching or being careful. Judgment is eternal and irrevocable. This is the reason why we must keep watch: not to end up in hell.

Mother of God, Angels and Saints, do not allow that a single truth is taken from the Gospel.