THE WEEDS ARE THE CHILDREN OF THE EVIL ONE Jer 14,17-22; Ps 78; Mt 13,36-43 31 JULY Today, having man abolished the distinction between good and evil, truth and falsehood, justice and injustice according
I WILL OPEN MY MOUTH IN PARABLES Jer 13,1-11; C Dt 32,18-21; Mt 13,31-35 30 JULY The parable is a story that needs to be explained in order to be understood. The images are
THIS IS TRULY THE PROPHET 2 Kings 4,42-44; Ps 144; Eph 4,1-6; Jn 6,1-15 29 JULY The works show the truth of a man. The widow of Sarepta after having known Elijah as a
I NEVER KNEW YOU 2Kings 24,8-17; Ps 78; Mt 7,21-29 28 JUNE Time runs out. You enter eternity. Jesus did not make the Discourse of the Mountain to the pagans, but to his
WHILE EVERYONE WAS ASLEEP Jer 7,1-11; Ps 83; Mt 13,24-30 28 JULY There is a supernatural sleep, a natural sleep and a sleep of sin. When God wants to work some prodigies of his
BEWARE OF FALSE PROPHETS 2Kings 22,8-13; 23,1-3; Ps 118; Mt 7,15-20 27 JUNE A false prophet is anyone who says to man a contrary and different word from the one uttered by the
HEAR THEN THE PARABLE OF THE SOWER Jer 3,14-17; C Jer 31,10-13; Mt 13,18-23 27 JULY When the Lord created man on earth, he also told him to live as a man. He is
AND THOSE WHO FIND IT ARE FEW 2Kings 19,9b-11.14-21.31-35a.36; Ps 47; Mt 7,6.12-14 26 JUNE Life in time is a path towards eternity. There are two ways to go. One leads to perdition.
BUT TO THEM IT HAS NOT BEEN GRANTED Jer 2,1 – 3.7- 8.12-13; Ps 35; Mt 13,10-17 26 JULY Thinking according to the Gospel is penetrating the mystery of the heart of God and
TO GIVE HIS LIFE AS A RANSOM FOR MANY 2 Cor 4,7-15; Ps 125; Mt 20,20-28 25 JULY I do not believe that there exists a more complete and perfect passage, to give full light