WHOEVER SERVES ME MUST FOLLOW ME 2 Cor 9,6-10; Ps 111; Jn 12,24-26 10 AUGUST The service that Jesus asks of every one of his disciples is special and particular. It is not obedience to every
YOU KNOW NEITHER THE DAY NOR THE HOUR Hos 2,16b.17b.21-22; Ps 44; Mt 25,1-13 9 AUGUST Time runs out. You enter eternity. The personal judgment will immediately take place for us. It will
O WOMAN, GREAT IS YOUR FAITH! Jer 31,1-7; C Jer 31,10.11-12ab.13; Mt 15,21-28 8 AUGUST On every page of the Gospel the prophecy of Simeon is fulfilled. Before the Sun of Jesus the
TRULY, YOU ARE THE SON OF GOD Jer 30.1-2,12-15. 18-22 ; Ps 101; Mt 14,22-36 7 AUGUST (Mt 15,21-28) Jesus walks on the water. Peter asks Jesus to be able to walk on the lake too
HE WAS TRANSFIGURED BEFORE THEM Dn 7,9-10.13-14 opp. 2 Pt 1,16-19; Ps 96; Mk 9,2-10 6 AUGUST The Lord attests that Moses is from him, from his truth and from his voice, radiating
I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE Ex 16,2-4.12-15; Ps 77; Eph 4,17.20-24; Jn 6,24-35 5 AUGUST Jesus is the eternal truth made incarnate truth. It is the divine light that has become human
HE HAD JOHN BEHEADED IN THE PRISON Jer 26,11-16.24; Ps 68; Mt 14,1-12 4 AUGUST When we are delivered to evil, it is evil that governs our life. Until he does not return
IS HE NOT THE CARPENTER’S SON? Jer 26,1-9; Ps 68; Mt 13,54-58 3 AUGUST Ancient Scripture tells us that the greatest kings of the past, David and Solomon, have been elevated to such
BOTH THE NEW AND THE OLD Jer 18,1-6; Ps 145; Mt 13,47-53 2 AUGUST The heart of the Father is truth and eternal wisdom, charity and infinite mercy, justice and divine fidelity. How
SELLS ALL THAT HE HAS AND BUYS IT Jer 15,10.16-21; Ps 58; Mt 13,44-46 1 AUGUST An example in the New Testament of the sale of all his possessions to “buy” Christ Jesus, his