They said this to test him Is 43,16-21; Ps 125; Phil 3,8-14; Jn 8,1-11 7 APRIL To understand the Ancient Covenant well, we must distinguish and separate the content of the Two Tablets
Have any of the authorities or the Pharisees believed in him? Jer 11,18-20; Ps 7; Jn 7,40-536 APRIL The Gospel is preached to every heart. Every heart is called to give its
Wis 2,1a.12-22; Ps 33; Jn 7,1-2.10.25-30 5 APRIL No one can do the works of God, if God is not with Him. God is only with the one he called and sent.
But you do not want to come to me to have life Ex 32,7-14; Ps 105; Jn 5,31-47 4 APRIL Today, if anyone does not come to the true faith in Christ Jesus,
To the resurrection of condemnation Is 49,8-15; Ps 144; Jn 5,17-30 3 APRIL Of Christ Jesus we know the truth of essence, of nature: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word
Rise, take up your mat, and walk Ez 47,1-9.12; Ps 45; Jn 5,1-3a.5-16 2 APRIL The paralyzed man under the porticoes of the pool of Betzatà, is a symbol, image and figure of
He and his whole household came to believe Is 65,17-21; Ps 29; Jn 4,43-54 1 APRIL Today, the passage offered to our meditation reveals to us two essential truths. The first tells us
The father divided the property between them Josh 5,9a.10-12; Ps 33; 2 Cor 5,17-21; Lk 15,1-3.11-32 31 MARCH Every heart that wants to be true must be modelled on the heart of the
O God, be merciful to me a sinner Hos 6,1-6; Ps 50; Lk 18,9-14 30 MARCH Reading carefully the morality of the Pharisee, we note that it is made to consist of only
You are not far from the kingdom of God Hos 14, 2-20; Ps 80; Mk 12,28-3429 MARCH Jesus is perennially guided, enlightened and supported by the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. He