What are you willing to give me if I hand him over to you? Is 50,4-9a; Ps 68; Mt 26,14-25 17 APRIL History is the result of multiple responsibilities. When history passes before
IWhat you are going to do, do quickly Is 49,1-6; Ps 70; Jn 13,21-33.36-38 16 APRIL n the Gospel there are clear truths and hidden truths. All the truths hidden in words must
But you do not always have me Is 42,1-7; Ps 26; Jn 12,1-11 15 APRIL Every man every day is faced with decisions to be made. Which is the right one? Which one
But this man has done nothing criminal Is 50,4-7; Ps 21; Phil 2,5-11; Lk 22,14-23,56 14 APRIL To condemn a man to death, it is necessary that there is a serious fault, that
So from that day on they planned to kill him Ez 37,21-28; Ps 31; Jn 11,45-56 13 APRIL Every decision of man, if it is not in the Holy Spirit, is almost always
The Father is in me and I am in the Father Jer 20,10-13; Ps 17; Jn 10,31-42 12 APRIL If it is the truth that the universe was created by God, by the
Whoever keeps my word Gn 17,3-9; Ps 104; Jn 8,51-59 11 APRIL It is truth. Whoever observes the Word of Jesus will not see death forever. But this is not about physical death.
So if a son frees you, then you will truly be free Dn 3,14-20.91-92.95; C Dn 3,52-56; Jn 8,31-42 10 APRIL God created man free. He placed him above every existing being on
For if you do not believe that I AM Nm 21,4-9; Ps 101; Jn 8,21-30 9 APRIL Every Word of Jesus contains an eternal truth that must be traced out, allowing oneself to
I am the light of the world Dn 13,1-9.15-17.19-30.33-62; Ps 22; Jn 8,12-20 8 APRIL Eternal Light is God. God has placed his light in his Word. The Word is the lamp that