Why do you harbour evil thoughts?

Why do you harbour evil thoughts? Gn 22,1-19; Ps 114; Mt 9,1-8 4 JULY Jesus, saying to the paralytic: “Courage, son, your sins are forgiven”, does nothing new or special. It performs a highly

We have seen the Lord

We have seen the Lord Eph 2,19-22; Ps 116; Jn 20,24-29 3 JULY Saint Paul reveals to the whole world that faith is born of listening. However, at the origin of the Word, there

Depart from me, you evildoers

Depart from me, you evildoers Gn 16,1-12.15-16; Ps 105; Mt 7,21-29 27 JUNE One day the Lord told the prophet Jeremiah that if only one righteous person was found in Jerusalem, He would not have

Beware of false prophets

Beware of false prophets Gn 15,1-12.17-18; Ps 104; Mt 7,15-20 26 JUNE False prophets have been the ruin of the ancient people of the Lord and are also the ruin of the new. A false