You will see greater things than this Rev 21,9b-14; Ps 144; Jn 1,45-51 24 AUGUST Reading the Gospel according to John, we can apply his disciples what the Psalm announces of the works of
The whole law and the prophets depend Rt 1,1.3-6.14b-16.22; Ps 145; Mt 22,34-40 23 AUGUST The answer that Jesus gives to the Doctor of the Law is taken from Chapter VI of Deuteronomy and
But those who were invited were not worthy Jdg 11,29-39a; Ps 39; Mt 22,1-14 22 AUGUST The Lord wants every man to come to the knowledge of the truth that is in Christ Jesus.
You too go into my vineyard Jdg 9,6-15; Ps 20; Mt 20,1-16a 21 AUGUST Today Jesus reveals to us how big the heart of the Father is and how small, narrow and evil
Who then can be saved? Jdg 6,11-24a; Ps 84; Mt 19,23-30 20 AUGUST After the rich man has gone, Jesus tells his disciples: “Truly, I say to you, a rich man will hardly enter
If you wish to be perfect Jdg 2,11-19; Ps 105: Mt 19.16-22 19 AUGUST Jesus came to fulfil all the Law and the Prophets. The first fulfilment is moral. The justice of the scribes and the
I have come to set the earth on fire Jer 38,4-6.8-10; Ps 39; Heb 12,1-4; Lk 12,49-53 18 AUGUST The fire that Jesus came to bring to the earth certainly is not that which destroyed Sodom
After he placed his hands on them os 24,14-29; Ps 15; Mt 19, 13-15 17 AUGUST Imposing hands is a true transmission of blessing. Jesus is the Blessed Fruit of the Father and He comes into
Not all can accept [this] word Gs 24,1-13; Ps 135; Mt 19,3-12 16 AUGUST In our faith we often witness two parallel paths. On the one hand we have the Scripture, or Word of God, plain,
Blessed are you who believed Rev 11,19a; 12,1-6a.1oab; Ps 44; 1 Cor 15,20-26; Lk 1,39-56 15 AUGUST The Virgin Mary believed more than Abraham, more than Isaac and Jacob, more than Moses and Joshua,