But he would withdraw to deserted places to pray SATURDAY 11 JANUARY (Lk 5,12-16) Why did Jesus retreat to deserted places to pray? To know, in the Holy Spirit, the whole will
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me FRIDAY 10 JANUARY (Lk 4,14-22) What Jesus reveals in the synagogue of Nazareth is not a revelation, it is not even a statement, it
He came toward them walking on the sea THURDAY 9 JANUARY (Mk 6,45-52) In Sacred Scripture, through the life of his men, God manifests and reveals how great his omnipotence is. But
Give them some food yourselves WEDNESDAY 8 JANUARY (Mk 6,34-44) Jesus tells the Apostles that they will have to be the ones to feed the crowd. They will have to nourish every
On those dwelling in a land overshadowed by death TUESDAY 7 JANUARY (Mt 4,12-17.23-25) The Evangelist Matthew, after his victory over the devil in the desert, starts the mission of Jesus, with
Offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh MONDAY 6 JANUARY (Mt 2,1-12) Jesus is not the Saviour, the Redeemer, the Blessing, the Grace, the Truth and the Light of one people
And the Word became flesh SUNDAY 5 JANUARY (Jn 1-18) Being a creature Lucifer wanted to make himself God out of pride. A third of angels of the sky let itself be
Behold, the Lamb of God. SATURDAY 4 JANUARY (Jn 1,35-42) Jesus, from John the Baptist, is presented as “The Lamb of God”. He is the Lamb of the New Easter. The Lamb
On whomever you see the Spirit come down and remain FRIDAY 3 JANUARY (Jn 1,29-34) Both natural and supernatural things can be known in their truest truth, that truth placed in them
Whose sandal strap I am not worthy to untie THURDAY 2 JANUARY (Jn 1,19-28) It is not enough to affirm a truth, for it to be truth. It is necessary that the