(Catanzaro, Politeama Theatre, 25 September 2008, 5 p.m.)



Your Excellency,
To you, Shepherd of the Church, in which the Apostolic Movement was founded and from which it is spreading around the world; to you, whose presence is in the sign of the truth and witness; on behalf of all the Members I give my cordial and sincere greetings.
Thanks for agreeing to open the works of our Third National Conference, we want to live in obedience of faith, hope and charity with the Holy Father, Benedict XVI, our Pope, who is in the heart of all of us. The communion with Him in the grace and truth of Jesus the Lord makes us the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.

The topic that you will deal with: “The hope that springs from the Gospel”: “Jesus Christ, the true man, with the true hope,” leads us into the heart of Christ, in whom the heart of the Father lives and works. It is an issue that attracts the mind and moves the will, in the Holy Spirit, in seeking a greater understanding of the mystery of Lord Jesus.
Studying, reflecting, meditating, thinking on Christ the Lord, the Apostolic Movement intends to perpetuate his mission in the world, but as His true mystical body, feeling and living with the Church, in the Church, and for the Church.

Jesus Christ is true in his humanity. He lives a most pure relationship of obedience to the Father in the Holy Spirit. He is true in wisdom, humility, meekness, in annihilation, in suffering, and on the cross. The mission of Jesus, always lived in the fullness of grace and truth, has produced excellent results of real hope.
The virtues of Christ: obedience, submission, humility, meekness, poverty of spirit, charity, patience, mercy, purity of heart and mind, daily growing in wisdom and grace, must be the constant efforts of every member of the Apostolic Movement.

Only then it will be possible to work well in the Vineyard of the Lord, in which the fruits of true hope ripen.
The daily contact with the Eucharist, the approach with a true spirit of conversion to the Sacrament of Penance, a great devotion to the Virgin Mary, Mother of the Redemption, invoked with the Holy Rosary: a daily commitment to concretely manifest the charity of Christ Jesus to all of man: body, soul, spirit; help to create that true man that makes all things true.

Thanking you, Your Excellency, that tonight open the works of our Third National Convention, I greet all those who wished to participate as a sign of communion, sharing, and love: Your Excellencies the Bishops, the priests, the Religious man and women, the Consecrated lay women, the Political, Civil and Military Authorities of all levels, the Adherents of the Apostolic Movement.

Thanks to the President, Mrs. Concetta Marraffa, whose mission has always produced real and effective fruits of hope in the Church and the world.

A greeting to the Inspirer – Founder, Mrs. Maria Marino. From her, everyone can draw, as from a good tree, excellent fruits that nourish and renew hope, faith, and charity.
Thanks to all of you for being here. The hope that motivates you is a true fruit for the renewal of the world.

Monsignor Costantino Di Bruno
Central Ecclesiastical Assistant of the Apostolic Movement