From the seats – Catanzaro: The Apostolic Movement joyfully welcomes the Archbishop’s Letter to ecclesial groups

“Joyful Apostles of the Resurrection”: it is in the Easter atmosphere that the Archbishop of Catanzaro-Squillace, H.E. Vincenzo Bertolone, dedicated a confident pastoral note to lay aggregations.

The letter manifests itself as a strong and paternal sign of encouragement for all the associative realities of the diocese, so that they live with fidelity and communion the fervor of their apostolic action, in the fullness of their daily life.

Reconnecting to the recent conciliar and pontifical Magisterium, the Archbishop confidently exhorts every group to keep alive the freshness of the original charisma, respecting the freedom of people and pursuing internal and external communion with the whole Church, thus overcoming any risk of running in vain by unilateralism or by fragmentation with respect to parochial and diocesan communities.

A further sign of attention on the part of the Archbishop is the presentation text that he wished to dedicate to each of the aggregations operating in the diocese. The words addressed to the Apostolic Movement are also a clear and effective description.

At the end, Msgr. Bertolone proposes to all aggregations a sign of charity to be carried out in communion, a work that the Movement has readily accepted, as you know from our social networks.

President Benedetto Caroleo, on behalf of the whole Apostolic Movement operating in the diocese, thanked the Archbishop, assuring him that, with the help of the assistants, we will treasure his indications, which instill encouragement make us further feel his presence as Pastor, his trust and his commitment to always direct the ecclesial path of all our associative realities in truth and charity.

“We welcome with trepidation your invitation to be “joyful apostles of the Resurrection” – the president writes – with the dynamism that has driven the nascent Church from the empty sepulchre, in fidelity to the charisma aroused by the Spirit and always brought back to the discernment of the Pastors and to the ecclesial communion, certain that in this way we will not find ourselves running in vain, we will watch over every unilateralism and continue to commit ourselves to a full and vital insertion in the heart of the parish communities and in the life of the diocese”.

In the letter, the Archbishop also mentions a work of charity, “which reminds everyone of the great beauty of the Christian life”, also proposed to the collaboration of the aggregations. The Apostolic Movement also enthusiastically accepted the invitation, involving immediately all the adhering members.

The full text of the pastoral note “Joyful Apostles of the Resurrection” is also available on the web organ of the Calabrian Episcopal Conference,

Concetta Silipo, diocesan segretary