
Editorial column – Saint Augustine speaks to the man of today

1 / Man and fear

In the awareness that not everything around us can be controlled, that sometimes some events bring us to our knees and some situations must be accepted and in front of man’s need to give himself answers capable of consoling the restless heart, St. Augustine, with his always very current teachings, this is how he expresses himself: “Either evil is what we are afraid of, or the evil thing is that we are afraid” (Confessions, VII).

Such were the reflections that stirred the poor spirit of Augustine, still searching for the truth. However, being in the Catholic Church, he had faith in himself firm, the faith in Christ, Lord and Saviour; a still very uncertain faith, but of which, by now, his spirit could no longer do without, rather he imbibed himself more and more.

In the spirituality of the Apostolic Movement we have always been told that “in order not to be afraid one must have a great Love for Jesus”.

“But when the body gives in, the human is afraid.” And this is natural in man.

«Then, you embrace His Cross and you know you are not alone. You know He is with you. He cannot abandon you. It is your faith, your love and your hope. Then, fear disappears… » (Maria Marino, Exhortation words, 1 October 2001).

Surely in fear we perceive our limit, our vulnerability, fragility and impotence; but the awareness of not being alone is our faith, the joy of knowing that we are listened to is our hope and in the fullness of His Mercy is our love.

St. Augustine confirms us on these certainties, in his speech 38:

“Yes, the man that passes is like a shadow. Yes, like a breath he hurries, accumulates and does not know who is the one that collects. Now, what could I expect, Lord? My hope is in you». (Ps 38.7-8). Thus St. Augustine exhorts us:

“There you have to start believing, where your trouble started.”

And he continues showing us the way:

“You are troubled, you think you are facing an insurmountable difficulty (…)

Don’t worry (…)

God is faithful in his promises.

To do this we must believe, we must awaken faith.

The rest is unnecessarily disturbing. Why are we unnecessarily upset?

While Christ slept on the boat, the disciples were about to shipwreck. Jesus slept and the disciples were troubled. The winds were blowing furiously, the waves rose and the ship went down. Why? Because Jesus slept. So it is with you too. When the storms of temptations rage in this world, your heart is disturbed, as if it were your boat. Why this, if not because your faith sleeps?

In fact, that’s what the Apostle Paul says “Christ lives in your hearts through faith.”

Therefore, awaken Christ within your heart, let your faith be watchful, let your conscience be quiet and your ship will be freed.

The time of faith is exhausting. Who dares to deny it? It is tiring, but this is the effort of which the vision is the reward. Therefore, let us lend faith to God».

May the Virgin Mary, Mother of the Redemption, grant us a firm faith, a firm hope and full charity in Christ her Son.

Stefania Tolomeo