He does not ration his gift of the Spirit

THURSDAY 23 APRIL (Jn 3,31-36)

The heavenly Father works everything through Christ and his Holy Spirit. Today, he wants to work the whole mystery of salvation with the body of Christ, moved and guided by his Holy Spirit. God works nothing without Christ and the Holy Spirit. Even man can do nothing for his salvation and the salvation of his brothers without Christ and the Holy Spirit. The “service” given by the Holy Spirit to the Father in creation must be given today to the body of Christ for redemption and salvation: Wisdom sings her own praises, before her own people she proclaims her glory; In the assembly of the Most High she opens her mouth, in the presence of his hosts she declares her worth: “From the mouth of the Most High I came forth, and mist like covered the earth. In the highest heavens did I dwell, my throne on a pillar of cloud. The vault of heaven I compassed alone, through the deep abyss I wandered. Over waves of the sea, over all the land, over every people and nation I held sway. Among all these I sought a resting place; in whose inheritance should I abide? “Then the Creator of all gave me his command, and he who formed me chose the spot for my tent, Saying, ‘In Jacob make your dwelling, in Israel your inheritance.’ Before all ages, in the beginning, he created me, and through all ages I shall not cease to be. In the holy tent I ministered before him, and in Zion I fixed my abode. Thus in the chosen city he has given me rest, in Jerusalem is my domain. I have struck root among the glorious people, in the portion of the Lord, his heritage”. Today, the resting place of the Holy Spirit is Christ Jesus. It is his body. We can compare the Holy Spirit to the dove that comes out of the ark and finds no resting place. It returns to the ark, because its home is there. Today, the Holy Spirit operates from the body of Christ. This is his home. He also works with those who are not yet the body of Christ, but to make them become the body of Christ.

We find the beauty sung by Wisdom in Christ Jesus. No one has been as morally, spiritually, divinely and humanly beautiful in words and deeds as Jesus the Lord: “Like a cedar on Lebanon I am raised aloft, like a cypress on Mount Hermon, Like a palm tree in En-gedi, like a rosebush in Jericho, Like a fair olive tree in the field, like a plane tree growing beside the water. Like cinnamon, or fragrant balm, or precious myrrh, I give forth perfume; Like galbanum and onycha and sweet spices, like the odor of incense in the holy place. I spread out my branches like a terebinth, my branches so bright and so graceful. I bud forth delights like the vine, my blossoms become fruit fair and rich. Come to me, all you that yearn for me, and be filled with my fruits; You will remember me as sweeter than honey, better to have than the honeycomb. He who eats of me will hunger still, he who drinks of me will thirst for more; He who obeys me will not be put to shame, he who serves me will never fail”” (Sir 24,1-22). This same beauty and finesse in words, in facts and in traits, must be of the whole body of Christ. There must never be a contrast or dissimilarity between the beauty of Christ and the Christian.

The one who comes from above is above all. The one who is of the earth is earthly and speaks of earthly things. But the one who comes from heaven (is above all). He testifies to what he has seen and heard, but no one accepts his testimony. Whoever does accept his testimony certifies that God is trustworthy. For the one whom God sent speaks the words of God. He does not ration his gift of the Spirit. The Father loves the Son and has given everything over to him. Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever disobeys the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God remains upon him.

The Holy Spirit gushes out without measure perpetually from the body of Christ. He acts without measure in the body of Christ and with the body of Christ, but always to form the body of Christ. If the body of Christ is not formed, our work is in vain. We can also make a new world, but it is not the fruit of the Holy Spirit in us. The only fruit that the Spirit wants to produce is the formation of the body of Christ. From the body of Christ for the body of Christ. Forming the Church is the essence of the work of the Holy Spirit.

Mother of God, Angels, Saints ensure that we live in the Spirit to always form Christ.