That they might be with him and he might send them forth to preach

FRIDAY 24 JANUARY (Mk 3,13-19)

In the Old Testament no prophet chose the prophets that would have continued his mission after him. Only to Elijah does the Lord command to choose Elisha to be a prophet after him tomorrow: “Go, take the road back to the desert near Damascus,” the Lord said to him. “When you arrive, you shall anoint Hazael as king of Aram. Then you shall anoint Jehu, son of Nimshi, as king of Israel, and Elisha, son of Shaphat of Abel-meholah, as prophet to succeed you. If anyone escapes the sword of Hazael, Jehu will kill him. If he escapes the sword if Jehu, Elisha will kill him. Yet I will leave seven thousand men in Israel – all those who have not knelt to Baal or kissed him.” Elijah set out, and came upon Elisha, son of Shaphat, as he was plowing with twelve yoke of oxen; he was following the twelfth. Elijah went over to him and threw his cloak over him. Elisha left the oxen, ran after Elijah, and said, “Please, let me kiss my father and mother good-bye, and I will follow you.” “Go back!” Elijah answered. “Have I done anything to you?” Elisha left him and, taking the yoke of oxen, slaughtered them; he used the plowing equipment for fuel to boil their flesh, and gave it to his people to eat. Then he left and followed Elijah as his attendant (1Kings 19,15-21). No prophet receives a mission equal to that of another prophet. But everyone carries out a very particular ministry, unique in the history of salvation.

Elisha knows that without the Spirit of the Lord no mission might be carried out and asks Elijah for an inheritance two thirds of his Spirit. He really wants to be his heir: Fifty of the guild prophets followed, and when the two stopped at the Jordan, stood facing them at a distance. Elijah took his mantle, rolled it up and struck the water, which divided, and both crossed over on dry ground. When they had crossed over, Elijah said to Elisha, “Ask for whatever I may do for you, before I am taken from you.” Elisha answered, “May I receive a double portion of your spirit.” “You have asked something that is not easy,” he replied. “Still, if you see me taken up from you, your wish will be granted; otherwise not.” As they walked on conversing, a flaming chariot and flaming horses came between them, and Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind. When Elisha saw it happen he cried out, “My father! my father! Israel’s chariots and drivers!” But when he could no longer see him, Elisha gripped his own garment and tore it in two. Then he picked up Elijah’s mantle which had fallen from him, and went back and stood at the bank of the Jordan” (2Kings 2,7-13). With Jesus there are no heirs or even successors. He is the Immortal, because he is the Risen One. He is the Eternal Living. He is the only Mediator between the Father and Humanity. Everything must happen in him, with him and for him. The disciples must stay with him so that they learn how to obey the Father in everything. Tomorrow their mission, which must be lived with his Holy Spirit, can only be accomplished if they have learned from the Master how to listen to the Lord.

He went up the mountain and summoned those whom he wanted and they came to him. He appointed twelve (whom he also named apostles) that they might be with him and he might send them forth to preach and to have authority to drive out demons: (he appointed the twelve:) Simon, whom he named Peter; James, son of Zebedee, and John the brother of James, whom he named Boanerges, that is, sons of thunder; Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James the son of Alphaeus; Thaddeus, Simon the Cananean, and Judas Iscariot who betrayed him.

The will of the Father is the will of Christ. The will of Christ must be the will of the disciples together with the obedience of Christ to the Father. If they do not learn how to obey Christ in the Holy Spirit, Jesus’ mission will be shipwrecked for them. It might never produce salvation and redemption, because only the great obedience to Christ in the Holy Spirit produces these fruits. Elisha asks Elijah two thirds of his Spirit. Jesus gives his entire Spirit to all. However, his Spirit is the Spirit of communion and produces fruits of eternal life only in the great communion of the Apostles and of the whole body of Christ. When one comes out of communion, it is not the Spirit of Christ Jesus the one that works, but each one is moved and driven only by his heart. This truth must never be forgotten.

Mother of God, Angels and Saints arrange that the disciples of Jesus live in perfect communion.