This is the law and the prophets

Est 4,17k-u; Ps 137; Mt 7,7-12

If a farmer wants a particular quality of fruit, he must operate the right grafting. If the Church wants a man to think like Christ and act like him in the Holy Spirit, first she must graft him in Christ and then nourish him with the Word and the Body of Christ. If we say that Christ does not serve man, we cannot then demand that a man thinks like Christ and acts like him in the Holy Spirit. By not creating us Christians anymore, as God created man, we deprive man of the possibility of returning to being a man. The new man must be created. Whoever must and can create him is only the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. Today man does not believe in God. He lives without any reference to the transcendent, to the supernatural world and to a perennial law of truth and justice. We cannot ask him to obey the God that does not even exist for him.

Today man no longer believes in Christ the Lord. The destroyers of this holy faith are Christians with their unhealthy and disastrous theologies based on theories of the flesh. When man needs to think like Christ, we do not have him. We cannot first tell him that he can go to God, through any way, even through the path of atheism and then demand or complain that he does not think or act according to the Gospel and according to the Law of Jesus the Lord. But we cannot even think that a man thinks like a man if we do not first form him as a man. Today we have decided that we must let children grow without any formation, either human or Christian. What are the fruits? Every vice grows in them, their uncontrolled instinctiveness of evil is expressed. Either we make man or it is impossible to think like men. But the true man is the Christian.

Either we make the Christians, or it is impossible to think of giving truth to our humanity. Jesus tells us that we must do to others all that men want to do to us. If it were possible to observe this law naturally, there would be no need of him, his grace, his truth, conversion to the Gospel, rebirth from water and the Holy Spirit. This Law of Jesus is only manifesting. It tells us what the good that every disciple must always do, is. Just as the Commandments are manifesting of the true good. Just as the Gospel is manifesting of good without any defect. Just as all the revelation of the Old and New Testaments is manifesting. Then, when it comes then to apply, live and realize it, then it is necessary that we are transformed into his body by him, we are made spiritual creatures by the Holy Spirit and made participants of his divine nature by the Father of heavens. If this graft in the Most Holy Trinity is not operated by the Church, through her ministers and administrators of the divine mysteries, man remains in his sinful flesh. We can manifest the Law to him, but in the flesh he cannot live as a true son of God. He must be created in Christ and nourished of Christ to live as a true son of the Father.

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. Which one of you would hand his son a stone when he asks for a loaf of bread, or a snake when he asks for a fish? If you then, who are wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good things to those who ask him. “Do to others whatever you would have them do to you. This is the law and the prophets.

The Apostles of the Lord have not been sent into the world to manifest, proclaim, preach and teach the Gospel. They were sent to ask for conversion to the Gospel and to make men capable in body, spirit and soul to observe the Word of Christ Jesus, in him, with him and through him. Even the law of prayer is only manifesting . When does it become operational? When we ask God as his true children and we are his true children becoming in Christ the Lord, sons in the Son, sons of adoption, children who live and dwell in the house of his Word, his grace, his justice and truth. It is urgent that this distinction is always made: between the Law that manifests and the grace that enables true action. Nobody must be left in error.

Mother of God, Angels and Saints ensure that Christians are aware of their mission.