vangelo del giorno

Nor do they light a lamp and then put it under a bushel basket

10 JUNE (Mt 5,13-16)

Immersed in the waters of baptism, the Christian changes his nature. He becomes a new spiritual being. He is made ​​partaker of the very divine nature. He is no longer in the image and likeness of his God by creation. He is much more. It is as if God were in him another self. It is as if God generated himself in the Christian. This means sharing in the divine nature. God makes him a gift of his own nature. The Christian is a part of God. This is his supreme dignity.

This participation in the divine nature must grow in him up to become perfect, up to transforming even his own body and not just his soul, into a divine spiritual and no longer earthly being. As God he is always God, never does he turn into his nature and he is never altered. He is the eternal mercy, eternal love, eternal charity, eternal justice, eternal fidelity and eternal compassion. There is no change in God. No transformations from the highest good to the greatest evil occur in Him. In him everything is always the supreme good, supreme charity and supreme holiness.

Jesus asks his disciples this same eternity in their lives. They must be always good, always right, always compassionate, always obedient, always light, always salt, always children of God and always partakers of his nature. This means that the disciple of Jesus is not allowed to pass into bad even for a moment. A single moment of transition and you could cause irreparable damage. The other one no longer sees “the eternity” of the Christian and could stop his path of humanization, of spiritualization and of deification.

If a Christian becomes tasteless salt, he must know that in the world there is no chance for him to resume his taste. There are no other sources of eternity for him. One is the source and it is Christ the Lord. One is the true vine and it is Christ the Lord. One is the true light, the one that comes to enlighten every man and it is Christ the Lord. One is the bread of life and it is Christ the Lord. If a Christian were to think that one becomes more wise, more light, more truth and more love elsewhere he is in great error. There are no true sources in the world. The sources are all polluted with sin, falsehood, error and lie.

“You are the salt of the earth. But if salt loses its taste, with what can it be seasoned? It is no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. You are the light of the world. A city set on a mountain cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and then put it under a bushel basket; it is set on a lamp stand, where it gives light to all in the house. Just so, your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father.

The Christian must remain perpetually immersed in this one source of divinity, light, knowledge, wisdom and eternal intelligence, that is Jesus the Lord. The transfer from Christ into the world is a deleterious work of real death. One becomes bland salt and is good only to be thrown out and trampled by men. This is the greatest sin that a Christian can commit: thinking of finding himself by transmigrating from Jesus to the philosophies and religions of the earth. He can also do it, but he falls into a ravine of materiality, he loses his participation in the divine nature and becomes earth with the earth, darkness with darkness and non light with the non light.

Today, the Christian is working the most dangerous of migrations: from Christ the Lord to the world. He does not change religion. He leaves the one in which he lives. Hr does not become another form of light. Hr skips directly into darkness. There is a move away from Lord Jesus, his Gospel and his Church, to surrender entirely to the thought of this world. This is the abyss in which today’s Christian has precipitated: he became world with the world to think according with the world, to decide according to the world and to act according to the world. He fell from the light. He lost his taste. He became again the conquest of the earth. From his highest elevation he passed to the deepest lowering. The Christian scandal is just this. It is necessary to react.

Virgin Mary, Mother of the Redemption, Angels and Saints always make us true Christians.